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Awesome weekend, whats the next step?

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This weekend my best friend and I went to the beach after prom. He is one year younger than I am and I offered to drive him and a few people down because I feel that he needed to have the same awesome experience I had one year ago and he had no other way of getting there. Anyway, I had gone down with the plan to get completely trashed on saturday night and just have as good of a time as I could. I hoped that maybe... JUST MAYBE... i would get lucky and possibly meet a girl or two or hook up with someone (I know, I know that probably sounds very shallow). So it turns out that the night before all the alcohol was taken away during a room raid the night before by the police (very unlucky, but that was probably for the better).



My friend and I decided to crash in a room with three other girls that we have been VERY close friends with for years. There was one girl, I'll call her "A," who I ended up spending alot of time with. In fact, I would say we were almost inseperable. Now, I have known A for awhile, about 3 years, like I mentioned before. We have the same group of friends and often hang out together. I've always been nice and friendly to her, and her to me. I even dated her best friend a year back so I know alot about her. The thing is outside of hanging out, we never talked, and when we were together, it was never of any true substance or for any great length of time. In my opinion this is a good thing because that means we're not close enough for her to consider me "friend-zoned." We just don't know eachother well enough for her to think of me that way.


Her description: This girl is beautiful. There is no other way to say it. I know of tons of guys who would love to have a chance with her. Usually really beautiful girls have attitudes right? Not this way! This girl doesn't have one mean bone in her body. I've NEVER seen her treat anyone badly. To top it all off, shes incredibly intelligent too (finished number three in her high school class as a matter of fact). In other words, she is the COMPLETE package.


Many guys though have attempted to date her and she has rejected almost every single one of them. She is extremely unexperienced relationship wise and sexually (in stark contrast to me, I 've been in 2 very serious relationships). Its not that shes picky, its just that she has always had a hard time figuring out how she feels about guys. In fact, she has just generally been uninterested for the most part.


Last night: As I mentioned before, girl "A" and I were inseperable while at the beach. When we walked on the boardwalk with a group of people, she was always next to me, and we were constantly talking. I had never actually talked to her for any real sustained period of time, so it came as a big shock to me that we were so comfortable together. At one point, everyone went back to their rooms to take a nap. My friend and another girl were on one bed, me and 2 others, including "A," went on the other. I was EXTREMELY shocked when she actually cuddled up next to me and slept with her head on my chest! I had NEVER expected her to do that either since we had never been close. It gets better....


The entire weekend it was raining outside. So being that we had no alcohol, and there was no sun so the beach was pretty much off limits, me and A were joking around and decided to have a "shower party." AWESOME idea. We shoved 5 people in one shower (with bathing suits on). In the shower we were always next to eachother again. She was giving me massages, and she even washed my hair and soaped me down hahaha. At this point I was in my glory. After we went to the boardwalk again ( we were still together), and then came back. We watched some TV in her actual prom dates room (who I know likes her, but she only thinks of him as a friend) and another funny situation occurred. She said she was cold so I got her my sleeping bag from our room and she told me we should share it. So on the bed it was me, her, and her prom date (she was in the middle). Her prom dated wanted to just sleep with her on his bed and was hinting at it but she totally shot him down and said "Who said I'm sleeping with you?" In other words she had decided before that that she wanted to sleep with me again. (By sleep I mean actually sleeping, not having sex). So we went back to her room and her friend was already in bed. We woke her up and squeezed in. Again she slept right up against me and we talked for about another half hour before actually falling sleep. While in bed she was right up against me, so we were pretty much in "spooning position" all night.


Now I had wanted to bring her back ot the boardwalk or to sit on the beach until sunrise and just talk with her alone. We never got the chance though unforutnately because I was tired and so was she. It was also raining out which was another issue but i would have KILLED to have some time completely alone with her. I wanted to kiss her pretty badly but restrained for the fear of her freaking and and things becoming completely awkward. The problem now is that I'm left with a crush on her, and I'm really wondering how she feels about me. I know for a fact that she thinks i'm cute, but with this girl thats definitely not enough. Is it possible she would be interested in going on a date with me? I'm extremely tempted to pursue a nice casual, low-commitment relationship with her (she'd definitely be scared off by something hot and heavy). I want to ask her out this weekend to do something with me soooo bad. I don't have her number, but I do have her AIM screen name and I assume that I should get it as quick as possible.



I'm afraid of waiting too long and having her forget and lose the excitement of this past weekend so...


My questions are:

1) What would be the safest and most sure fire way of asking a conservative girl out on a date without her flipping out or getting flustered?

2) By what I've told in my story, does it look like shes attracted to me? If so to what extent? Was she just being friendly or nice?

3) What would be a fun, extremely low pressure / casual date to go on? Should it be with other people, or just the 2 of us?

4) Any outside analysis of what she could have been thinking would be great.

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I would just call her and tell her that you had fun hanging out with her and if she wanted to do something saturday. That is very vague and if she is interested, then she will say yes. I would not even bother telling her what you have planned, but would have some ideas in case she asks. Don't come accross as too anxious and just tell her that you enjoyed her company.

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