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Irregular Period... Scared I'm Pregnant

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Hi everyone.. ok the reason I'm writing this is because I am stressing about being pregnant. I am 16 years old, and I guess I have irregular periods. 2 months ago my cycle lasted 21 days, and last month it was 31 days. I am on day 29 of my cycle today. And for some reason I am stressing and worrying that I could be pregnant.

My boyfriend and I have sex at least 3 times a week. We use a condom every time. But usually he puts it in for about 3 to 4 minutes, and then he puts a condom on. I know there is a chance that I could be pregnant, but we are very safe overall. We have never had unprotected sex.

When I am pre-menstrual, my breasts get a bit bigger and more tender, and yesterday I realized they were both of those. But isn't that also an early sign of prenancy? I read somewhere that you shouldn't stress if your period is up to 4 days late, but since I am irregular I don't even know what counts as being late anymore, because I don't have a set day. And if I don't get it within the next week, I am going to buy a pregnancy test...

And I know stressing about it can make it even later. But what do you guys think? Is this normal? My period was always regular before I started having sex. And I heard that if you are irregular you should get on the pill. Should I do that? For some reason, this month, I just keep getting this feeling that I am pregnant, but no real proof... ahh. Maybe I'm just paranoid. I would just like to know what you people think.

Thanks a lot.

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This is stupid of a guy to be posting on this subject, but I think I may have learned stuff from my ex. Some women have irregular periods naturally....i think two things can help...i've heard taking iron regularly helps, as well as going on the birth control pill. In addition to the chemical reasons for it, you may be off because of stress? I know my ex couldn't get hers while she was really stressed out! My ex also waited a week or two before getting 'really' worried to the point of pregnancy tests.



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I agree...except I'm a woman not a man and I had the same problem you are having back when I was 16.


Sometimes even relationships can make our hormones out of whack causing irregular periods (emotions and stress can change the regularity of periods)... or more likely, maybe your hormones are just changing again as you continue to go through your adolescence.


Wait a couple weeks and you might see that your soreness and discomfort is just PMS.


Also if you get on the right pill for you (your OBGYN will help you find one that's right for you) your periods will probably become more regular. Sometimes in the beginning of taking the pill the body is readjusting to the hormones in the pill and it may make your periods even more irregular... but this should pass in a month or two as your body gets used to the new pills.... if it doesn't then you need to go back to your OBGYN and try a different pill.


Definitely get on the pill if you are sexually active!! Please don't rely on only one form of birth control (especially if he puts 'it' inside you unprotected even if it's just for a few minutes). I personally believe 16 is still too young to be able to take care of a child so please do what you can to keep yourself from getting pregnant right now. You still have high school and, hopefully, college to get through.


If your periods have been irregular in the recent past, then I think pms hormones are the culprit- not that your pregnant. DO take a test in a couple weeks regardless of what happens. If you take the test too soon then you may get a faulty test result because not enough of the hormones the test measures would have accumulated yet. And even if you DO get your period within the two weeks that you wait, that doesn't mean you aren't pregnant. You can be pregnant and still get your period in the beginning. So for your mental health, do take a pregnancy test even if you get your period during the two weeks you wait.


I'm pretty sure it may just be another case of an irregular period though... don't you hate them! lol Been there, done this before myself.


Hope this helps!

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