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I am so upset right now.I feel like crying

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So there's this guy that I work with and I like him soooo much.And I know he likes me to b/c he flirts with me all the time.Well,I'm upset right now because he just took me home and we were flirting and everything when he said he just wanted to "hit it".And we've talked about this before.I've told him how I don't want a guy to just want me for sex.I don't know,maybe he was just joking.I'm not sure.After he said that,I told him that nothin would probably happen between us then.Because I don't want him to just want me for sex.See,he recently got divorced last year and he hasn't had sex for like 8 months.So I can see how he might be a little bit desperate.He did say though that if sex was all he wanted,he could go get somewhere else.I just don't know.I really like this guy.And I want him to like me as well.And not just for sex either.What do guy's think.Am I overreacting?Do you think he was just joking around?

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I don't think you're over reacting.


Say he WAS only joking. What if you would have "joked" back with, "yeh... me too, let's go!"


He would've been ALL over that!!!


I'm sorry that it doesn't seem like he's looking for more than sex. He may not be after a marriage that just ended.


I say stick to your guns. If you don't want a sex only relationship, I say make it clear and stick to it.


Maybe in time he'll come around to you but if he's on the prowl, you may have a wait.

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If he was looking for a relationship with you that extended beyond just primarily a sexual one, I think you would know it.


I doubt this is what you want to hear, but I think this guy is just looking at you as a booty call. And since it sounds as if that is not all you want from him, I think you should call it off before it goes any further. Keep yourself available for when a guy who really adores you comes along. This guy doesn't sound all that great. Just because you work with him, and like him...Doesn't give him the right to feel entitled to "hit it".


Seriously, I suggest you lose this guy, ASAP.

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