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Empty Room

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Empty room, empty room

How am I gonna fill U?

How am I gonna fill this empty room?



Love is strong, however long

We should've been 4ever

How am I ever gonna fill this empty room?



Found a strand of your hair

By the bathroom window

How am I ever gonna get U off my mind?



In my bed, in my head

Every word U've spoken

Now how am I gonna fill this empty room?



Lonely hearts, worlds apart

Why should they be broken?

When we could be somewhere makin' love



Love is strong, however long

We should've been 4ever

Baby, why did U leave me all alone?

Why'd U do it?



Barren walls, tears fall

What's the use in cryin'?

I gotta find a way, find a way 2 fill this empty room

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Awesome poem! I used to write a lot in the past. Usually I would write them too my gf. I pretty much stopped aftwards, except right after we broke up. I don't know if that is a specific style or your own, but I really liked it. Writing poems can be an awesome way of expressing yourself. I used to write poems all of the time just spontaneously. I could write a one page poem in five minutes. Keep doing it because before you know it, you will have a book. Unfortunately, I wrote about 40 while with my ex and actually made her an awesome book for Valentine's Day a few years ago. I made myself a copy and although I don't read them, it was a pretty cool accomplishment. I am sure out of the forty, I could contribute a few to a poetry book. Keep it up. Your profile does not say your sex, but I am guessing male. We are the smart ones after all. Just kidding ladies. lol All my ex's were much smarter and more beautiful. lol



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i miss him.....i wonder how he is today...i wonder if he ever thinks of me.....nah, he's probably with someone else now......how sad.......i miss him.......oh god, please give him back to me.......i will cherish him.....i was too stupid and foolish to see any better.......but i do now......can i have him?........miss him.....still like him......jon......jon.......jon......


guess he's forgotten. i think there's a crack in my heart.....


jon.....oh jon.....

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Teacup, you alright?


Hey, we all feel and wonder the same things you do. I have been on both sides and I know I still think of the ones I left, how can you not? You were a part of their life. The memories do not go away, they may not think of us how we would like them to but they do think of us from time to time, they have memories too.


Hang in there.

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