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Want To Be Classy...how?

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Ok this might be a stupid question..but what exactly is "class"?


Remember the movie Pretty Woman, when Julia Roberts went from Hoebag to a woman ANY guy would be proud to have on his arm? Yeah I know it's a movie...but that what I want to become.


I know I am a little rough around the edges ad I am REALLY trying to soften up and change for the better. Does anyone have any tips on what class is and how I get BE "classier"??

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You could say that class is all about being yourself, and being confident about it... please do us all a favor, and don't buy into that "Pretty Woman" hollywood crap. The likely fact is that you probably are a lot "classier" than you want to let yourself believe... or to let anyone else see.

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Are you talking like class/status type stuff? Like knowing proper etiquette in different settings?


Are you talking like societial casts or like, financail class?


Or like a "classy" person with supposed good taste in fashion etc. who's not crude or rude in public?

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To me being classy is a woman who carries herself confidently and securely...is well-kept, clean and cool - even during a bad hair day.


She dresses well, not necessarily a fashionista nor conservative but rather knows how to highlight her assets and leaves a little to the imagination. She has her own style.


She is well-read and articulate, as well as opinionated and bold - she sticks to what she says and will tell a man what she thinks...but she knows not to cross the line to offend others.


She knows how to act in a public place, is always polite but never a bore. She is open and friendly, attracting attention subtly - not in a table dancing kind of way.


She knows the time and place to let lose and have a little fun and when to be refined...


She has goals and dreams but also has plans for herself...she works hard to attain them.


I think a woman who is classy is someone who strives to be something they admire...whatever that is.

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Being classy/having class to me means treating people with respect because it is just in your personality, not because you expect a reward or seek approval from others. Being classy could also mean how you present yourself in different situations. For example, a girl wearing a small tank top, low cut jeans and flip-flops at a funeral would not go over too well. She could be a great girl, but she should think about what she does before she does it. There's a time and place, and it's sometimes very rude when you cross that line.

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Being classy/having class to me means treating people with respect because it is just in your personality, not because you expect a reward or seek approval from others. Being classy could also mean how you present yourself in different situations. For example, a girl wearing a small tank top, low cut jeans and flip-flops at a funeral would not go over too well. She could be a great girl, but she should think about what she does before she does it. There's a time and place, and it's sometimes very rude when you cross that line.


Hey that's a pretty good definition of classy! Along with Mrozca's!


Whoa, I'm not looking to pat myself on the back but I think and hope I fit that first part there.

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Sometimes when in a bar, the usual women/girls come in looking like they dressed to look as tarty as possible with tiny short skirts etc. But every now and again someone will walk in just looking classy and not tarty. I obviously don't know these woman, what the do for a living or whether they are common or posh. But the just look the part.

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I wouldn't attempt to be "classier" if I were you.


It alienates you, and when people treat you differently, you start to feel uncomfortable.


At this stage in my life, where I live, my very correct accent and my private school education is both a blessing and a curse. It's either mock-able, or it's Different and thereforeeee Attractive...I'd stay as you are, just be nice to other people. That's the most important thing.

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Sometimes when in a bar, the usual women/girls come in looking like they dressed to look as tarty as possible with tiny short skirts etc. But every now and again someone will walk in just looking classy and not tarty. I obviously don't know these woman, what the do for a living or whether they are common or posh. But the just look the part.


Within 5 minutes of arriving home, the woman in the tight pink ultra short spandex get-up, can just as easily change into her comfy ripped up jeans, and a baggy sweatshirt. And the casually or conservatively dressed woman, vice-versa. Clothes are so transient.

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Within 5 minutes of arriving home, the woman in the tight pink ultra short spandex get-up, can just as easily change into her comfy ripped up jeans, and a baggy sweatshirt. And the casually or conservatively dressed woman, vice-versa. Clothes are so transient.


But would a classy woman wear spandex in the first place

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But would a classy woman wear spandex in the first place


I do think it's possible, yes. But I'm talking in hyperbole. I frequent variety of places but somehow still don't manage to actually see that!


I'm just saying, anyone can put on any article of clothing at any given time. Doesn't mean that's what they always wear. Some people just like experimenting with a variety of looks.


I have to wear business clothes at work all the time. When I'm not doing that, sometimes, I just want my tennies, a tank top, and my faded jeans.

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I do think it's possible, yes. But I'm talking in hyperbole. I frequent variety of places but somehow still don't manage to actually see that!


I'm just saying, anyone can put on any article of clothing at any given time. Doesn't mean that's what they always wear. Some people just like experimenting with a variety of looks.


I have to wear business clothes at work all the time. When I'm not doing that, sometimes, I just want my tennies, a tank top, and my faded jeans.


But do you wear spandex? I like to think that you don't and are another classy lady ;-)

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I wouldn't attempt to be "classier" if I were you.


It alienates you, and when people treat you differently, you start to feel uncomfortable.


At this stage in my life, where I live, my very correct accent and my private school education is both a blessing and a curse. It's either mock-able, or it's Different and thereforeeee Attractive...I'd stay as you are, just be nice to other people. That's the most important thing.



I agree Antilove - and I think that's all a part of being "classy" - so to speak, I think a lot of people with "class" are just being themselves. Confident, semi-conservative when the situation arises, but over all, just being who they are.

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One definition of "class" is just as bullsh*^ as the other... Whether you're talking about rich/poor or "acceptable/undesirable" it's all about whose opinion you care about. The classiest person in the world can easily be the one no one else likes, to me. The poorest could easily be the richest, when you consider "rich" to be a wealth of something besides money. It all depends on your priorities. Attempting to be something that you think other people want to see or be around... that will only lead you to being something besides yourself.

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yeh -but by the very definition of it - or "A" defintion of class, is having the ability to get along.


Yes, I agree, whether rich or poor. Poor people can have just as much class as the person pretending to know what kind of wine to order with what meal.


But a REAL classy person wouldn't go into a peanut bar and go, "ewwwww" they would join in on the throwing-shells-on-the-floor fun!

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