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Thigh Workouts!! ANY HELP??

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What's the best workouts to tone your thighs???

I really want to tone them up to get ride of the small amount of cellulite that us girls have to face!!! But I don't want to gain any inches with muscle, I wouldn't even mind losing an inch on them.

Any ideas are appreciated!


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Try pilates "buns and thigh" work outs. I have the DVD and it works awesome. It really tones up your thighs and makes your butt tighter too


As for cellulite, working out won't get rid of cellulite as far as I know. You need to eat healthier and go to a dermatologist for specific treatments for cellulite. There are creams and even injections now that can help.

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Although you cannot "spot lose" weight in specific areas- you can focus weight training to make areas more lean.


Your thighs are comprised of your quadricep and hamstring muscles. If you increase weight training to exercise those muscles, you will tighten up your thighs. You won't gain inches on your thighs from doing that.


A healthy diet and regular cardio exercise is also important for burning body fat, thighs included.




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I don't know about the cellulite thing you mentioned, but biking and also walking (I mean a lot of walking, not just around the block a couple times) are great for the thighs. Also if you have a gym some have resistance machines that specifically target your thighs, and I can tell you it all works wonders. Get right on it, you should see visible improvements in no time at all.


What's more it's getting towards summer time so no reason not to get out and have fun and get a great workout while you're at it.

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What's the best workouts to tone your thighs???

I really want to tone them up to get ride of the small amount of cellulite that us girls have to face!!! But I don't want to gain any inches with muscle, I wouldn't even mind losing an inch on them.

Any ideas are appreciated!



Well, anytime you work your legs you will strengthen some muscle. That does not mean you will get bulky though. Muscle helps burn calories and gives more tone. It is also what is going to help you with cellulite. Losing weight alone won't do that as it can even be more visible as the fat cells empty and leave the cell structures behind. Muscle really helps smooth those areas out.


Also, you can't "spot train", to lose weight in a certain spot, so you basically need to work the muscles in those areas to strengthen and tone the area, and increase overall metabolism.


Anyway, you should do some weight exercises - like lunges, squats, quad curls and ham curls - as well as maybe adding some cardio - running, elliptical, cycling.


You are not going to "bulk up" unless you do excessive weight training and take testosterone/steroids. You don't have the hormone balance to bulk up. I work my legs extensively with weights, running & cycling, and am not bulky in my hips/thighs. Muscle yes, but not heavy legs or anything. They are smaller than they were when I did not work them out so extensively.


As a female, you are genetically programmed to retain some weight in hips/thighs - so try not to stress too much about having hips & thighs(stress also has you holding on to weight anyway). In fact, studies show women with weight on their hip/thighs are healthier in the long term (as long as it is not excessive of course). 95% of women have cellulite (yes, even models whom have the "luxury" of airbrushing). Just tone up the area and eat healthy, as well as exercise, as it can make a dramatic difference.

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Like a trampoline? I was referring to exercises that simulate specific movements for sports. But they are very good for toning. An example is marking a spot on the wall above your head aa couple of feet and repeatedly jumping up and trying to touch it with alternating hands and then both hands at the same time. Kinda like Kriss Kross will make you jump or House of Pains Jump around.

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Plyometrics usually are not done with a rebounder (as jumps are usually done on stable ground to strengthen ankles and power rather then using mechanism of rebounder), though often they may use equipment like boxes, stability ball, they are actually often done without equipment as well. They are used to strengthen and gain power and speed, and they are usually done specific to your athletic goals (ie there are certain ones good for running, swimming, etc).


You can scroll down following link to see some examples of plyometrics:


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Like a trampoline? I was referring to exercises that simulate specific movements for sports. But they are very good for toning. An example is marking a spot on the wall above your head aa couple of feet and repeatedly jumping up and trying to touch it with alternating hands and then both hands at the same time. Kinda like Kriss Kross will make you jump or House of Pains Jump around.


Ahaaaa....I see.

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Plyometrics usually are not done with a rebounder (as jumps are usually done on stable ground to strengthen ankles and power rather then using mechanism of rebounder), though often they may use equipment like boxes, stability ball, they are actually often done without equipment as well. They are used to strengthen and gain power and speed, and they are usually done specific to your athletic goals (ie there are certain ones good for running, swimming, etc).


You can scroll down following link to see some examples of plyometrics:


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Thanks I'll go check out that link.

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Thanks guys...my husband and I are buying bikes so we can go riding together and I've already started doing Yoga which is actually a great workout. I just want my thighs to be toned up like before, they aren't horrible and my husband thinks I'm crazy for thinking that they are getting fat but I just really want to stay small. I also want to get my legs strong again for wakeboarding.

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