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Shy guy needs a little help and advice


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Hi everyone,


I'm a 20-year-old shy guy who need's some help and advice regarding an girl I met at work about a week ago.


OK, here goes...



I was busy getting on with my job (I work in a book warehouse) when my boss walked up to me and asked me to show this girl how to do what I was doing. As soon as I saw her, my heart started pounding and I became a bit nervous. Anyway, after showing her how it was done, I carried on with my work.


Then, after my dinner break, my boss asked me to show her another part of the job. I agreed and walked off with her down to a bunch of shelving (they're quite close together; there's not much room).


All the while I was talking to her, I kept eye contact, trying not too look to nervous. Then as the afternoon wore on, several of my workmates were trying to embarrass me, making little hints here and there, with one in particular telling me to "cool off", saying my "eyes have popped out!". Pretending not to know what they were talking about, I walked off smiling.


I'm not sure if she overheard or not.


Anyways, she soon finished the work she was doing, and she asked me what to do next. I went off and asked my boss what she should do next. When I got back, she was sat on a seat, smiling at me. Of course, I smiled back. But what was she smiling at me for? Had she caught on about how I felt, or was it just a friendly smile?


Another thing was that it wasn't just me and her, there was another kid there working with us, but he is very shy also. I was kind of training the two.


As the afternoon went on, we carried on with our work. She seemed to be quite shy herself, not talking much. The end of the day came, I smiled at her and said bye and that was it... until the next day...



She was back working with me... or so I thought. Instead, I was given another job to do while she working with the kid from yesterday. Later on that morning, my boss came up to me and asked me about the previous day, telling me "she's a nice girl" and to "go for it". I thought to myself "Am I really that transparent? Is it really THAT OBVIOUS?"


Anyway, he (my boss) asked if I'd go "help out". Once again, I was nervous as hell.


In the afternoon, I noticed a few of my workmates were looking at me, as if they were watching. As before, I went the entire afternoon saying very little to her which I now regret VERY MUCH. I did get a few more smiles from her, which I gladly returned. The end of the day came, and when she was going, I smiled at her and said "bye".



Now Thursday morning, she was still on my mind. She had now gone back to working in a department upstairs (her usual job). Then I saw her downstairs, while she was getting a box from one of the shelves.


Later that morning, I saw spotted her going back and forth to the toilet twice (before I worked with her, I never saw her during the day). Then as I was about to go for my dinner break, she walked past and smiled. I said "hi" and that was it. Did she walk past where I was working on purpose? Usually she goes the other way, accross the warehouse.


Anyways, in the afternoon, I saw her go back and forth to the toilet twice more. Now I was really starting to think about it all. When she came back the second time, I tried to make it as obvious as possible, as I stood there, looking straight at her. She looked back at me and then went back up the stairs.



Friday morning rolled in and guess what, she was still on my mind! I only saw her once that morning, as I was down a pretty long isle sorting somes books out when she walked past, looking down the isle. There was no-one else down the isle, so she had to me looking at/for me, right?


In the afternoon, I was talking with one of my friends when he looked to his right. Wondering what he was looking at, I turned around, and guess who I saw... that's right, I saw her walk by. She didn't turn around to look at me, she simply walk past, looking in front of her. The thing is, in the 7 months I've worked there, I've NEVER seen her walk down where me and my friend were. Why did she go down there? That REALLY got my brain thinking!


Then as Friday was done, and everyone was leaving the building when I saw her come down the stairs and head for the exit door. I was just stood there, mesmerised, looking straight at her as she turned around. After looking back in front of her, she turned around again. I was still looking straight at her. Hopefully, she was looking at me...



And now I have a big problem, I'm on a two-week break from work, which at first, I was looking forward too, but now I'm hating it!!


I'm also worried that when I get back to work, she might have forgotten all about me.






So there you have it. I'm sorry for the long (long!) story.


Is this all just wishful thinking on my part, or is there really something there?



Thanks everyone!




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Maybe she's shy as well. I mean, sometimes when girls, and guys alike, have a crush on someone, they have a tendency to look away from the person of their heart's desire. You'll never know for sure unless you find out for yourself. I would first start by finding out if she has a significant other or not. If you find that she doesn't, just approach her at the most opportune time, and non-chalantly ask her out for lunch or something. The first date doesn't have to be romantic by any means. At least you can then work off of her vibes. Who knows, maybe the sparks will fly. Good Luck!

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Hey Rus,

I would take a wild stab in the dark here and say that by doing all of that walking past you stuff and going to the toilet far too many times she was probably trying to get your attention. The fact that your boss said something is also a pretty good sign that she probably thinks about you. Why not take her some lunch one day while you are on your holidays? If she does like you it will make her heart melt and if she doesnt shell still think you are really sweet. I think you are getting some pretty strong signals and think you should make a move. Good Luck, let us know what happens.

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Hi guys,


thanks for replying.


As for finding out about any "significant other", one of my female friends at work has been "asking around" in my absense. Hopefully, she'll be able to find out something for me.


And if she doesn't have a b/f, I'm gonna ask her out, maybe to a movie or something. All I need now is to dig up some courage!!


Thanks again guys!

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ok being shy is good for a while, but it can also be anoying if it goes on to long. try just talking to them, the most basic line to use is hi, how are you? just try talking to them, you'll be amaized on how well it works...lol. just be yourself, and if they dont like that, then thats there loss, becasue there probably losing out. You'll find someone that you can just open upto easily. It will come.

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A little update:


(I suggest you read my first post before reading this)


I went back to work today (a week early) and everyone had found out that I liked this girl.


I also found out that she now knows I like her. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.


Anyways, apparently, last Friday, my boss overheard her talking to one of her friends and my name was mentioned.


Back to today...


I saw her once or twice in the morning, but I don't think she noticed me.


Then at my dinner break, me and one of my friends were sat outside in the sun, and she was sat over with one of her friends under a tree, in the shade.


Then when me and my friend were about to go back inside to work, she and her friend did the same. However, she didn't look round or anything, she just walked past as if she was ignoring me.


Then when we were all going home, she walked past, and I was looking at her, but again, she didn't look round or acknowledge me or anything.


I thought about saying "Hi" but she didn't look in my direction, so I'd have felt (and looked) really stupid.



Now I'm really worried that I've screwed up what little chance I had.


I need help!!

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Man , If she is not even looking at you........Sound bad.......


There are girls that dont like me, but they look at you...... and say hi.


I really dont know what to suggest you. Maybe she is that kind of person [Cold blooded and stoney......Dunno]


If you would explain me her in details..... Dress , hair, makeup , Car , how she talks on the cell , walks , Even eats.


I may think that she is a boring girl. If she is inetested in you but shy , you will notice that , that she is passing you faster than usual. And if she like you she would defenetly look at you every chance she have [but when you are not lloking at her , of course]


Just , when you meet her, say "Hi , how is the job, do you like it ? , Bla bla bla . "Ask her abour some books she found there while working.


I worked in a book warehouse too , and every day we found something interesting there and shared it with each other..... So ask her if she fould somekind of interesting book. Show her interesting book you found.


You know.....

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That's the trouble


Last Friday, my name was being mentioned, and then on Monday, she passes by me, looking straight in front of her.




Then today at work (Tuesday), I saw her only at the end of the day (she was a little far away) and she was just walking, not looking over and stuff.


But, the thing I don't understand is that one of my mates was walking behind her and they said that they saw her look over to where I was (well, obviously, I wasn't looking at the time or I would have noticed).


So, is it a case of she's looking when I'm not and I'm looking when she's not, or something???


I am REALLY confused now!!!!


I need some help!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think she is just shy. Really. Its probably uncomfortable for her to make eye contact now that she knows. She probably watches you but, she doesn't want you to see her doing that. I say go ask her out. Waiting is just gonna make the situation weirder. How about just joining her on your dinner break?


Everything just makes it sound like she is shy. I know cause my ex was like that before we started going out. When i found out she liked me, she always looked away when passing each other at school. That was along time ago though.


Good luck

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