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Hello, I am kind of new... here so I will explain my situation, my husband had been hanging out with some friends that I knew were not good, well after all of them getting in a lot of trouble for being totally stupid, I find my self so full of anger for one of the guys involve here.. he was the "mind" behind it all..

I found out today that he has raped someone and has sex with a 15 yr old.. as a victim of rape I find my self felling disgusted knowing that the man I married could be friends with someone so disgusting. there is no way I could prove that this guy has done this in a court of law. So I find my self here thinking about this all the time and how much I really want him to pay! am so angry and disgusted I just want revenge, I have never felt so angry and disgusted with anyone!

what the hell is wrong with me! why can I just let it go and heal?? this is really starting to cause issues with my husband and I dont think is right for me to be feeling this way.

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What I would recommend is that you go talk to the police and let them take this over. I'm sure they have more resources at their disposal than you ever will. Also talk to your husband about this and see what he has to say (i mean marriages are all about communication right?)

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i don't think it's right to take the law into your own hands. go to the police and see what they can do.


the real issue is that if you have such a problem with your husband hanging out with this guy (who does sound like a total creep), then he should respect your feelings if they are really that strong! you need to communicate on this. if he admires what this guy has done, there is something very wrong there. if he can just brush it off, there is also something very wrong there. i would definitely talk to him about this..

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How did you "find out" this?


Now if he really did such things he should probably go to jail, and you should definitely tell the cops.


But the system is really biased towards women. Guys get falsely accused of sex crimes all the time and there is little they can do to fight it.


For example, a friend of mine was drunk and accidentally brushed up against a girl. She had him charged with sexual assault and kicked off campus! Now trust me, he seriously didn't do anything, I was there and just in a moment when no one was in particularly paying attention, she starts going off and claiming this crap. At worst he may have patted her butt, but he was drunk and it may have yet been unintentional.


Anyway, just saying make sure you have your facts straight before you act. They are very hard accusations to fight, so don't take it lightly.


Now I have no sympathy if he did such horrible things, particularly the rape. But he shouldn't go to trial and possibly jail off a rumor.

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Hello, Thank you all so much for the post.

I found this out the day before yesterday. I asked my husband that he tell me all that he had done and why he was so sick of this guy.

he said that they were sitting there one day and this guy confess to all his "secrets" that included having sex with a 15( he is 25) and worse of all the actual rape of an unconsiouns female. God! im so mad at this. I asked on of my coworkers what could be done in a court of law, or what I could do so this guy goes to jail! and she said it would be a he said /she said type of situation. still I am going to tell the cops.

my husband has agreed to also confess to the cops and hopefully this guy can go to jail for his crimes.

as far as our relationship, I feel so dissgusted that he would hang out with someone that sicky! I just can get that out of my mind, he understands but dosent see the point of my anger. ](*,)

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