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Can you work him out? I certainly can't!

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Ok so you may already know that my boyfriend of over 2 months broke it off with me. For reasons i cannot understand on the monday night he met my parents and told me he loved me before he left. Then on the wednesday he said how much he missed me. I didn't hear from him again until the friday when i got a text message from him saying "we need to talk".


It turns out he wanted to stop things before it got to "serious" but i class telling someone that you love them frequently and also getting intimate with someone as a serious relationship.


He also said that it was because i was moving an hour and a half away in september to go to university, which i made him aware of when we started this relationship and he wanted to make it work and it wasn't a problem.


Another reason was that he said things couldn't be better when we were together but when we're apart they feel so different? what does he mean? I'm so confused i've tried to contact him since and he won't answer any of my messages. A part of me thinks he's seeing someone else as he broke it off with me over a TEXT message i really thought he was bigger than that and that would explain why he is ignoring me if he has someone new. If that is the case i wish i could get over him so easily!

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"A good tip is to try to experience your feelings: cry if you want to or if you need to. Be angry if you need to. It helps to heal faster. "...As Swing Fox put it...


I got my own story to tell you about yesturday...which was my first day of "moving on"...(you can read my other posts to understand the story with me and the ex a little better)


Well I promised myself not to call him at all nor pick up his phone calls or IM him online. It was soo hard! i was soo depressed and bitter the whole day. Until I suddenly started crying like a baby thinking of all the things he did to me, all the bad things, and good things too. I went to the shower so I can cry by myself and I cried, screamed, cursed like a mad woman!

I got out of the shower feeling so much better and like I can finally move on.


What Im trying to say is: Dont hold your emotions and try to be tough. Letting out your emotions is what really makes you tough at the end. So if you need to cry, climb into the shower and go for it (the shower is such a private place to cry, no one hears u nor sees u.) And you can't forget friends! Hang out, have fun, and don't wait around for his TEXT messaging anymore.


Well Good LucK and you'll be fine with time.

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