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I agree that he's confused about his sexuality. Give him some time (maybe a year) and he may feel different. At least you got a positive result he still wants to be friends even though his other friends are trying to change his mind.


Personally I think he's half way there to admitting his bi/gay, he just needs time.


Enjoy beings friends and see where it leads.


Good luck and take care.

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well to know if hes bi probaly (not gay if he still likes women) you should ask him to spend the over at your house and see how he reacts when he goes to your house (if he says yes) dont do anything to him stay cool. then get close to him personly find out stuff about him and soon he wont struggle to let you know if hes bi sense he knows your're bi

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Well nothing major happened today. I've cauhgt him looking at me from time to time. Like today this morning when I was walking to class, Brian was walking with his friends and when I turned around he was looking at me and had a little smile on his face. I don't know if he was smiling at me or if his friends told him somthing funny I didnt have time to look more cause I neded to get to class. Also I've noticed that Brian never talks to me when his friends are around. Most of the time it's only when it's me, him and Ray. Also yesterday when we were hanging out I looked at Brian maybe once or twice and he looked at me and the way he was looking at me back was hard to describe. He wasnt smiling but he was looking at me as though he was thinking about something and I had a vibe that he liked me by the way he was looking at me. Maybe he wants me to make the first move instead of making my friends ask him stuff. Brian is one mysterious character! I wish I had the courage to make eye contact with him.

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well the guy i like does the same thing he makes eye contact with me but he also sends me a vibe that feels like he wants me to make the first move and he smiles when we make i eye contact like 1 time in 3rd period i cuaght him looking at me and we made eye contact he smiled then looked backwards then he turned to me to see if i was still looking and i was made eye contact to me agian then smiled agian and did this over and over because i was still looking

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Give him some space so he can sort his head out!


He probably doesn't approach you or look at you when his friends are around because he doesn't like what they are saying. Also, if he retaliates they'll turn their attention on him and give him a hard time.


You've waited this long a few more weeks won't make that much difference.

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both of you to lovebirds. Don't assume too much. Don't get your hopes too high. They might not mean anything with the looks. maybe they are just what they seem to be looks.


When having a crush on someone we often enterpret things for the better and we keep on finding hope where there is none. it goes like "ok he's not gay so maybe he's bi" and then "ok so he's not Bi maybe he's experimental"


try to talk and find out but don't give it your everything, don't hope too much. not until he at least says you're cute, can you start hoping.

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I second what UT said in his last post.


Also, my own opinion, if the kid's only in 6th grade, I don't know if trying to get into a relationship with him is really a good idea, at all, but of course it's not for me to say. A male-male relationship when you're both that young may make things difficult for you at home (depending on your parents), at school and elsewhere. Also, his crush on you might not last very long at all, and you may find he's too immature for you, because of the age gap. I'm not trying to tell you to not go for it, but be careful.

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Yeah, I agree with Managore. He's in 6th grade, so he can't be that old. When I was that young, I had no inkling of my bisexuality. I'm not saying that he doesn't like you, but maybe he just views you as a close friend. What it sounds like is that in trying to find out if he likes you, that you have created a bond with him. So stay friends, and put him in the back of your mind. In a year or so, he'll know if he's bi/gay/straight, and then you can be confident enough to know whether to put the moves on him.


Well, good luck.

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