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Her Parents Think They Can Keep Us Apart

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As the title says, her parents actually think that they have control over our relationship. They also think they control their daughter's life and seem to have deep psychological issues that they need to get over. They truly are jealous of what we have and want to keep her to themselves forever. I pretty much know that it's true. (Personal things I don't want to include. You can PM me.)


Anyway, my point is that if they want us to stop seeing each other, their only option is to kill me. It's just impossible to stop people from loving one another! She's will be leaving them soon, and we're both adults anyway!


What do you think about this?

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What they have against me is psychological on their part. They don't want me to take her away from them, and want to always have her under lock and key. They want to know and control her every move. Parents have to let go at some point, right?


I've never done anything at all, and have always been nice to them. The fact that they have something against me is about as understandable as how life came into existence.

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Slacker: It sure won't easy.You're so right. I know that she's the one because I've chosen her to be. Don't get me wrong because I know I can't control anything, but I'm willing to love her in such a way. We'll make it through anything as long as we want to.


LaL: She doesn't care what her parents think at all because she's an adult who can make her own decisions. Nothing of what they say to her gets inside her head in anyway. She knows that she's in control and that nothing else matters but us.


xprincessbugx: You may be onto something there. I plan on calling tomorrow, but I doubt I'll get through because they know if it's me who's calling or not. It's amazing that they still cut off her phone "privelages" at her age. You just wouldn't believe it. Thanks for that tip!


beanpaper: She doesn't allow them to control her, but getting away is definitely her best option. That's what she's been looking forward to for so long. I know that things will be ok once she does so. I'll support her no matter what.


This woman truly is the only one for me, and nothing will come between us.

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Since you two are going to be together, it would probably be worth your while to figure out how to show her parents your best character strengths. They're going to be a part of your life for a long time, because they are part of hers. The better your relationship with them, the less stress you'll have in your relationship with her, even if she agrees with you about them.

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