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I just don't understand his jealousy

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My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years and he is becoming extremely jealous of any relationship I have with any one other then him, this includes my kids, grandkids and friends. His jealousy is showing it's self in the form of verbal abuse and control. I have no clue what to do anymore. He has become a pro at mumbling put downs and insults to me when we are in public and I talk to any of my friends, male or female. He does not seem to realize that they hear what he is saying and come to me and tell me to get away from him. When we are at home he hides himself in the bedroom and will not participate in life with me and my kids the way he use to. He has become overly critical of everything my kids do and then yells at me for not talking to them to change their ways. My kids are good kids and do not deserve to be constantly put down. When I talk to him about his behaviors he claims he wouldn't do anything like this so it is all in my head I'm just trying to cause trouble. WHAT DO i DO? WHERE DO I TURN?

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Get rid of him now.


He is an abuser. He is trying to humiliate you in front of your friends, he denies knowledge of his behaviour and is a dangerous environment for your children. You deserve better.

Does he live with you?


Your friends will help you. You just need to ask. There may be an organisation near where you live, being in the uk I can't offer any real help there, unfortunately.

Please know that you are not to blame for this and your friends are aware of this.

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Thank You I know he is an abuser but at the moment I am financially stuck with him I guess my biggest problem is that every relationship I have ever had has been an emotionally abusive one. Are all men like this to some degree or am I just a pro at finding this type of man? I am beginning to think it is my choice in men thereforeeee it is my fault in the long run.

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Then learn to have better choices in men. You don't have to date someone abusive. As soon as any red flags come up, run the other way. If you find there is a pattern in your life like this, make your best effort to stop it.


It's self destructive and sick to be with someone who abuses you, trust me.


There is a solution to every problem, you just have to ask the right questions.


Men are not all like this to some degree, you need to get away from him and spend time by yourself figuring out why you are settling for abusive men.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is it possible that he's going through his own depression or mid-age crisis?

It doesn't sound like it's always been this way.

Maybe he's the one needing some help.

You've known him for 2 years. Maybe you might get some input from his family members or friends. That's just a suggestion since I'm not fully aware of the situation you're in.

It's probably best to talk to your close friends

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