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My ex and i had been broken up for over a year, we never had NC we remained close friends and still fooled around for the first 9 months, she had a few encounters with other guys , but never a relationship and but this caused me pain, but she wouldnt let me move on because she said i will still the person closest to her heart and that she still loved me...i asked her to come back then...she said she wasnt ready.......i felt like it was in no-mans land and couldnt find the exit. Well i am still seeing her every week or so and just a few days ago she was having a bit of a tough time at home and i came over to see her for a bit and chat, well she was very happy to see me and we hugged each other tightly and kissed...i asked her why she doesnt come back to me and she replied that shes got important uni work in the next week and cant think of things like that right now....but she also said after that is finished and she is able to delagate some time to her other issues in life, would i consider taking her back...i said yes very quickly without really thinking about it. After i left i began to to think should i really take her back?...now ive had problems realising my true feelings in the past because of being so negative in life and having low self esteem...i just seem to not be able to make important decisions in life...i seem to do everything on the emotions in the 'now' and am not able to really deconstruct issues and resolve them.


Im very lost....i want her back she makes me smile....but another part of me says i hung around too long and i should move on....


any words of wisdom greatly appreciated.

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move on, stop letting her sh!t all over you. You are at her disposal. She calls and you come and then when she has had enough of you she throws you away.


Time to make a stand with her, "be with me or loose me forever". If she says she doesnt want the relationship, Say you care for her but since she doesnt want a relationship with you, you are walking away then initiate NC.


Before you ask this question, prepare for both answers, dont let her have time to think because you are then losing control of the situation. Make her make a decision.

Be strong. be ready to walk away.

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