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Porn & Men

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Well not all men. I for one don't find porn all that interesting/entertaining. I usually just think up something in my head involving myself and my partner at the time. It really makes things great when you actually get the chance to try some of the things you imagined. Sometimes you can dream up some pretty crazy positions that are more fun then sexually pleasurable.


HOWEVER!! If you want to generalize I'd imagine porn to men is like a romantic movies to women. It something they want to experience with someone special and it's fun to pretend they are in the same position as the characters.


Or perhaps it's because porn music and plots are very lame and laughable.


I can't say... but not all men are like this and some men will believe you are enough.


I hope this helped.

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i dont believe that men looking at porn is anything to do with a lack of respect/fulfillment of there current partners. Theres a scene i always remember from a movie or show or somthing when a guy asked by the same question replies "no its not that, its just that i cant roll you up and keep you in my bedside drawer.


I think porn gets a bit of a bad rap really. Its just visual stimuli. Even if someone doesn't partake in so called 'porn' doesnt mean they wont fantisie specifically about there currunt partner.

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HOWEVER!! If you want to generalize I'd imagine porn to men is like a romantic movies to women. It something they want to experience with someone special and it's fun to pretend they are in the same position as the characters.


To be honest, that isn't really true. Women don't go to romantic movies and get off on it. If all guys were just looking at porn just to wish that they could be in that same situation with thier wife/girlfrient, it would be a lot more accepted. ESPECIALLY if they didn't get off on it. From my experience, most guys use it as a source of escaping the real world and experience life with another girl. Many men will admit that when watching a porno that they imagine/wish they were having sex with that girl. Not putting their wife/girlfriend in the picture with them. Physically, they are only looking...in their hearts and minds, they are cheating.

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Well I wasn't implying ALL women get off to romantic movies... I was generalizing only for the sake of proving a point. I know many women who DO get off to romantic movies. At the very least it gets them hot and bothered.


My point was you can't generalize so thanks for backing me up on this one

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I just saw something like this on T.V. Men like porn because they might not have a woman how can do things like what they do in the porn movies/magazines. That and also they might not get enough sex so they might have to find another way of getting that satisfaction. That or sometimes it is that a picture can turn him down for looking alot of the time.


I don't know what else to say but that he wants something else in his life. Just maybe it is that he wants something that you can give him. Just let him be him and maybe later on in the relationship he will give up his porn. And settle with what he has. There is no sense in staring at something and wishing you had it when you don't.


Hope that this will help you a llittle bit.



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I just saw something like this on T.V. Men like porn because they might not have a woman how can do things like what they do in the porn movies/magazines. That and also they might not get enough sex so they might have to find another way of getting that satisfaction. That or sometimes it is that a picture can turn him down for looking alot of the time.


I don't know what else to say but that he wants something else in his life. Just maybe it is that he wants something that you can give him. Just let him be him and maybe later on in the relationship he will give up his porn. And settle with what he has. There is no sense in staring at something and wishing you had it when you don't.


Hope that this will help you a llittle bit.



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