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I was meant to go out on a date tonight but last night he text me saying:

"I don't think I can make it tomorrow, sorry"


I text back and said "That's ok. Another time then. See you soon"


I haven't heard anything else from him.


What do you think about this situation? I have known him for a while and we have been out 3 times before. Do you think I should have asked why he can't make it? I thought he would have given me a reason but he didn't.

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If you haven't known him that long and you start asking him for reasons about everything it will look as if you are a bit insecure and a bit possessive.


Stay cool and just see how things go over the next few days with him.

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Weird that he wouldn't even call you to cancel with you or give you a reason..... If I was interested in a girl I would definitely had made other plans..... Heck, even if I wasn't interested... I think I would have called and had some respect for her!

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