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i got a small rock in my way

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i was all ready i got what it takes to live my dreams its in the bag...well it was i was gonna take my art move to japan and then work on my comix in japan and all i needed was 4 more years...but my mother and family hit me with it...they dont want me to go to japan even if its only a few years i want to go meet ramiko takahashi my hero...but even though i will be old enough i cant leave them knowing its going to hurt them i have the money saved up...but i dont know what im going to do either...try to make them understand not go and throw my dreams away and write amrican comix or go without thinking of my family i know its a long time from now but im saving up my money learning japanese and getting ready if im not to go then its not worth all this work...is it what am i to do...?they want me to marry an anerican boy but i dont want marriage whatsoever in my life


this dosent seem big but its a huge step in my life and its very important

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Well you're still young, a lot will happen in the next four years. Perhaps it doesn't seem like it but four years is a very long time while you're still a teenager.


I don't want to offend you but it seems like a bit of a pipe dream to me, you don't even need to move to Japan to get a job working on manga. I assume that's what you want to get a job as, working on manga and doujinshi. It's certainly not called "comix" FYI. I just think you're approach to this idea isn't developed enough, it's not as simple as 'Move to Japan, Get a job, Forfill dreams.'

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Sorry to the previous poster but don't ever let anyone tell you that your dreams are a pipe dream.


I do agree that 4 years is a long time and I guess my advice is that this is probably not a fight worth having at the moment. Continue to save your money and plan for your dream but don't push it with your parents at the moment. Wait until the time is much closer and then start to talk seriously about it. Their attitudes may well change a lot in the next few years.

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Sorry to the previous poster but don't ever let anyone tell you that your dreams are a pipe dream.


I do agree that 4 years is a long time and I guess my advice is that this is probably not a fight worth having at the moment. Continue to save your money and plan for your dream but don't push it with your parents at the moment. Wait until the time is much closer and then start to talk seriously about it. Their attitudes may well change a lot in the next few years.

thankx ill do that...!your right!

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