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An interesting thought on a common problem...

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I'm going through something right now that I think everyone has, or will, go through in their life. It involves love, relationships, and getting back together. Let me share my situation: After three and a half years apart, I'm currently trying to establish a friendship with my ex. So far, it's not going as smoothly as I would like, since I only have her email. Things were going good for a while, and she seemed interested in getting together for drinks or something, she said she was looking forward to seeing me.

Anyway, I'm not so sure that, even though you may want to try a friendship with somebody and just see where it goes, you can ever get back into someone's life after an extended period of time. It seems like our lives have evolved along different paths, and she has her own busy life to deal with without worrying about me. What do you guys think? Can friendship, or something more, come back after so long apart?

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God I truly hope so!!! Otherwise, I'm bummin' bigtime!!!


Truly, after so long...I don't know. Like you said, she is busy with her life, you are too. I guess if both people are truly intersted in making it work, there isn't any reason why not.


However, if one of you is not sure and doesn't put in the effort...then there's just no way. Truly.


Unfortunately, if this woman was truly prepared, ready and sold on the idea...I think she would be trying harder. The best you can do is make her aware you want it...and then let her respond. If she doesn't, you can't make it happen.


Good luck

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I am not going to get my hopes up that in a few years I could be friends with my ex. I dont think its smart to hold on that long. well at least not for me. I think it could work if the person moves on then in a couple of years you meet you are in a new place in life. You both have grown and learned more. Yes then maybe you could be friends but its not worth getting your hopes up to get shot back down. Well at least not for me.

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The hardest thing for most people to accept is letting their friends go. This happens all the time when we have life changing events. When we graduate collage, when we move out, when we start our carer or get married to name a few. When this happens our lives change and effects the bonds we share with others.


It becomes harder and harder to have Friday night out with the guys/girls. Rifts grow in friendships and people drift apart. This is not a bad thing; it is the story of life. We can fight against it and be miserable because it will happen in the end, or we can cherish the good times and enjoy the new experiences life has to offer.


In direct relation to your question, you can start a friendship with your Ex. However it will be nothing like what you once had, romantic or otherwise. Simply put both your lives have changed. You have both grown; maybe you don't share similar interests anymore. Maybe you still do. Regardless don't hope for anything and you won't be disappointed.


Just make sure you are true to yourself about what you are doing. Do you really want a friendship? Or do you wish to rekindle an old flame? Whatever your plans are make sure you don't lie to yourself. This will make you happier in the end. Good luck and trust your heart.

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