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Sneezing and sweating after a jog?

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It is springtime, so it may be a reaction to pollen for example in the air. Even if you don't have allergies, they can be irritants, especially because when you are running you are taking generally more air/deeper breaths in.


There also tends to be a lot more dust around at this time of the year, at least here there is because of all the crap left around after snows melt that leaves residue on the streets and lawns. Rain and city workers clean it up in time.....but it does irritate me I know when I am running/cycling through it. Same goes if you live somewhere with more smog/pollution too I suppose.

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Well, I sure ain't a jogger, but I can think of a few reasons, other than the allergies as people have already pointed out.


1. If you live in Alabama, and don't just have the screen name because you like how it sounds, it's HOT. It's in the lower 80's here right now, but it's humid as all get out. I was walking around outside a little bit, and started sweating. Now, that sweat (yours, not mine) may have gotten in your eyes and caused you to produce additional tears, which will cause extra mucus production in your sinuses, which will make you sneeze.


2. If it's sunny there, you might have been squinting your eyes, which also causes the sneezes.


3. While you may not have allergies, there may be some extra dust in the air - was someone mowing the lawn? Is there some construction going on somewhere near you?


Feel better soon!


Edited to add: Just saw, you live in Michigan. Well, you said you were sweating, so #1 still applies.

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i get that sometimes after i go for a bike ride, especially if the trail is surrounded by a lot of vegetation. well the sneezing part anyway. i think it's because i'm moving fast and a lot of the pollen gets blown up my nose! you've probably just got seasonal allergies. can be a nuisance but usually not a big deal. it helps me to wear good sunglasses, because at least the pollen stays out of my eyes.

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