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Business Associate - is he interested???

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I've been working alone with this guy on a short-term project. Dating between us would be pretty much frowned upon by the higher ups. I think he's hot but I've kept it professional because of the business relationship.


BUT, I think he may be interested in me. I'm really curious if these are signs -

At our first 2 meetings he pretty much stuttered when he talked to me. I actually thought he had a stuttering problem. But it stopped by the third meeting.


On the third meeting, he seemed like he was mad at me (or himself?). He was distant and all of the sudden seemed uncaring.


By the fourth meeting (and subsequent meetings), he was nice again and we had pleasant conversation.


Then when he was done with his end of the project, he told me to keep in touch (let him know how things turn out) that he'd be thinking about me.


Well, the project was extended, and now we're working together again.


I know that this is taboo for us but I really am curious if he has feelings for me.


Anybody think so?

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yeh - i agree with Goodfun - doesn't sound like any obvious signs. Sounds like you may have caught him at a weird time early on.


And I too think you should ask him out for a drink after one of those hard days at work. See what he says to that. His answer may be an indication.


Keep us posted - I'd like to hear what happens

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I'm afraid to put myself out on the ledge in case he's the "don't mix business and pleasure" type.


Here's a question for the guys regarding the time he seemed mad at me - do you ever get nervous with a woman you like and come accross as indifferent/uncaring? And does stuttering (when you don't normally stutter) mean you're attracted to someone or just insecure?


Maybe I'm reading too much in to this...

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I'm not a guy - and I know I've already responded, but I think you are reading a bit too much in to it.


Why not ask him out in a "wow - I'm knackered, let's go relax and have a drink" kind of way??


Maybe the explanation for his being angry is just that he was having a bad day. He's not married I assume? Does he have a gf? Maybe they had a fight. Maybe they broke up.


Maybe he's shy and that's why he stuttered. I do when I meet someone for the first time sometimes, just cuz I get nervous when I meet new people, attravtive or not, I'm really shy...


There MAY be other explanations for his behaviours but if you want to know, you may have to ask. There are ways to ask him out casually, ya know, without making it look like you're asking him for a date-type thing??

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Hey Girl,


As a girl who has been in the office romance dance before DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!

but If you do decided to persue it chances are cover your butt every step of the way, cuz if it doesn work out one or bothe of you are looking for a new job. I got burned badly by the boss in more ways than one, if I learned anything it was Don't get your honey where you get your money.

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