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question for ladies

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1. women being direct is sort of like nailing jello to a wall...it aint gonna happen

2. you aren't reading the women well enough and are just shotgun formula flirting hoping something sticks

3. women are much better at reading men than the other way around and can clearly see this

4. the fact that you do this instantly makes you sort of creepy in their eyes thus the need to have an exit strategy rather than direct confrontation

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women get asked for the number all the time and i guess they r sick of it especially if they have had a bad experience and they r also scared...they re so many freaks out there


if u really like a girl ask her where she hangs out and when she goes and try bumping into her again

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I've been asked my number by guys that I'm not intrested in. I rarely say ''no'' because I can't bring myself to do it especially in some cases when there was other people around. Giving fake number is pretty childish really. I'd just text him and say I'll be too busy or something like that.


Shouldn't the guy get the hint that the girl was unintrested in the first place?


As it was already said


The girl is either unintrested/ has a boyfriend


She gave the wrong number to you by a mistake


Think of the reasons why you would give a fake number to someone.

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