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How long does it take for them to do a background check?

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Ok.. after months & months of job hunting with no luck. I got a call last Monday from someone at Walmart.They told me to arrive at their store the following day.I did & basically it was a lady who took me to the back of the store to go over the paperwork. Anyway she said that the people in charge would have to do a background check on me which is fine. She said she'd call the next day which was Wednesday. I never received a call back from her & it's going on to Sunday tomorrow. I'm worried that she saw something she didn't like & that's why she didn't call. But how long does background checks usually take? A week, a day or what?


I was so excited because I was finally going to have a job & it was going to be something for me to do since college doesn't start until fall. I graduated high school last year. Is there still a chance with this job, but why would she say she'd call me the next day & she didn't?

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Bummer. I don't know how long background checks take. You have every right to call her back and check on your progress. Don't worry--she won't think you're being pushy. It will show that you're interested in the job and care about the outcome of the background check. Good luck, man.

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I would think that background checks just take as long as entering your information into some kind of computer database and retrieving the information. I would think they would be fairly quick.


From your thread it sounds like you don't have anything to worry about. I heard that an employer can find out just about anything on you from a background check. There's some real duds that work at Wal Mart, in case you haven't noticed. So, I don't think that you have anything to worry about.


It has been several days since you heard from this woman. I wouldn't wait for her to call you at this point. I would show up at the store early on Monday and demand to speak to a manager. I would explain the situation and inquire if you are officially hired or not. Sometimes people get busy and just blow off prospective employees. It's always good to be persistent. It shows them that you really are interested in working there.


Good luck and keep us posted!

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You guys are right! Looks like I'll be making a trip to Wal-Mart on Monday, I don't think it'll be good for me to wait for a phone call. That would be a missed opportunity. Guys please wish me luck as I really need a job right now.

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Well, the manager called me today & she said that my background check is in. Now tomorrow I have to show up for the actual interview. I'm very nervous! I hate having to talk with someone one on one. I will dress very professionally, I really hope I don't mess up.

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You'll be great! Dress nicely, be polite, smile, and make a lot of eye contact. Talk about how responsible you are and how much you like working with others and pulling your own weight. If she already knows that it's just a summer job, talk about starting college in the fall. She'll love ya.

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Well good news guys!! The interview went great! I had to talk to two people & they seemed to like me.I was very polite & mannerable. It looks like I have the job! Then I had to fill out paperwork for a drug test. I had to hop over to a clinic & get that done. No problem for me since I don't do drugs of any kind! So they said I have to go to an orientation next week & they'll call me at that time to inform me! I'm very excited & nervous! I'll be doing stock,cart pusher & basically just helping out around the store & cleaning up. I've never had a job before so I hope that I will do well! Thank you ALL who've posted & gave me the encouragement! I really needed it! Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sigh!!! I don't know what's going on now! I took the drug test & they said they would call me last week & then nothing. What upsets me more is I called them this past Thursday & they said that they would call me tomorrow which they didn't! So now I'm waiting on a phone call that I may just never receive!

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