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Well, my boyfriend and I have been together for almost 2 months. We love to make out and he's felt me up, etc. But what are some things I could do with him that would turn him on without going so far as a handjob or something? I don't want to get too serious yet but I want things to be more interesting.

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the sexiest thing besides kissing are the little things. such as kisses on the neck, holding hands, hands lightly squeezing the legs. bewing turned on is in the mind-def. imagination stemming from "waht could happen." so flirting, a little tocuhing in addition to small, soft kisses on the mouth, cheek,forehead, neck or wherever-very sexy! just soft, lingering ones. but that's just what i like. everyone is different. good luck

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  • 3 months later...

It will depend on the man. Anything you might try on me that did not involve the release of orgasm would probably do little more than frustrate me. So I'd say to make sure the end result involves him ejaculating, even if you two just watch each other masturbate to a point of a powerful orgasm.


Some other guys may love the teasing. But to me, without release it is just teasing. You have to ask yourself, if you use your tongue around his neck and your hands to rub him in some highly arousing area, then what? Maybe you can be super aroused, then just turn in all off in a few minutes and feel satisfied sans orgasm, but I will say most men cannot do that and would not want to. There needs to be some release imo. Men need that and it doesn't have to involve straight sex. Since he has already manually stimulated you, I don't see what is wrong with you using your hand on him?

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