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Which stage of grief am I in? Beginning week 6 of NC...

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My life is a lot more active now, as I've become more active in fitness activities, reading more books, meeting new people, and going out with different new & hot dates. However, sometimes I find myself back at my computer desk at home, playing songs that only make me miss my ex. I do not miss the new person... I miss the person that I met when I fell in love with her. The idea of her never being the same ever again is sad, but also opens my eyes to move on. Am I past the bargaining process?


I know for sure that I am no longer in denial or angry, but still get nervous when my friends mention that they have seen her here or there etc... I figured that I still need to heal but that I have gained some sort of acceptance. I feel that every week I gain some good ground in the forward direction and that the down days are less frequent per week that passes by. Can any of you identify where I am at emotionally? Thanks guys!



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