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SSI in your backround checks and credit history... Will it produce biases?

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So will it keep me from future government jobs because of prejudice adn biases if i have to be put on SSI? i have done all i can to get a job, but i cant. and I have been diagnosed w/ mental illnesses as a kid.. but im very functionable and normal and smarter than 90% of the people who have graduated college and live in my state.. I hate being judged because i grew up in poverty and happen to have a mother WHO IS FULLY DISABLED (no hands or feet, deteriorating spine, wheelchair adn bed bound) and obviously, i am left on my own since i was able to work. and people with money dont give a crap and dont care about the upper lower class who strive so hard to be equal and obtain a better quality of life. they view us all as scum of the earth, when actually there are people who WANT to get out of poverty and MAKE SOMETHING of themselves such as myself. I am teh 1st in my family to go to college besides my mother who had to quit. i am getting a 4.0!!!!!!!!!!! adn i dont even study!!!!!!!!!! so you tell me if i should have a chance... because I believe I should.. but unfortunately, nice guys finish last.. sigh***

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Not necessarily. Part of my job is to process background checks, and unless you have multiple felonies I wouldn't worry too much.


When I had bad credit, one company made me write a letter to them stating why I had bad credit, was it paid off, etc. but they still hired me.

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