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This is just plain weird. The man i've been seeing for the past 2 months just explained what the picture above the mantle in his home is all about. I would never have expected it out of him, and it seems really out of character for this person. The picture is of his ex-girlfriend's anus, up-close, wide-angle. Some camera tricks were done to disguise it to look just like a rose. I am so disgusted. I told him he probably needed to take it down. He refuses and tells me he can make a little one of mine to put next to it. I'm thinking I don't want to see him any more and just because of this. I think it's really just a gross thing and what kind of man does this? His ex-girlfriend's? What should I do?

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I admit this is a bit weird, but hey too each his own.


However, that is irrelevant.


What is relevant is that he is so uncaring and not understanding of your discomfort with it. I mean, who does this guy think he is?


And to offer to do yours too? What are they some sort of collection or something?


Dump him!

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Welcome to eNotalone!

I can't blame you, it seems to me to be very disrespectful. If you think you want to try to get over it, I would really express how you feel, and see if maybe he just didn't look at the situation from the same angle... I'm really unsure of what to say about it, it seems strange, especially if, as you said, it is not like him to do that...




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I think it is a strange thing and I sure as heck wouldn't let him take one of me so that he could leave it up there and tell his next girlfriend what it was! I would run as fast as I could! Not so much because this seems weird but because he doesn't respect you enough to try to understand how you might not want to look at his ex-girlfriend's anus each time you are at his house!!!

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I've never heard of an Anus Rose before, but I would think it is a bit disrespectful after finding out what it is, who it belongs to...and being offered to have your pic next to it. If he is an artist or photographer who like to express himself with creativity like this...then I can understand having it in his portfolio, or studio because clients may request to see a variety of of an artist's creativity..but to have it proudly placed above his mantle, and u are his current girlfriend...isnt very considerate...


especially after telling you what it is...


Let him know how u feel about it, and according to what he says and how he reacts afterwards, should be the main determining factor as to weather or not you leave or stay in the relationship. Anytime there are red flags that goes up when we are with sumone...we must take notice immediately, because we may have to act upon it sooner than later sumtimes. Never allow urself to remain in a situation with sumone, and you are uncomfortable as a result of anything they do. Its always give and take situations in relationships, but only YOU know what type of healthy relationship u are willing to invest time in...



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Are they scratch and sniff?

haha! That's great!

More seriously, while not really my personal choice, I can understand him keeping this in a portfolio, as cookies said, but to keep a photo of an ex's butthole on the wall, that's a bit much.

Even if it was just a photo of his ex, I find it disrespectful for him to keep it up after you've told him that it makes you uncomfortable.

If he's unwilling to budge on this, well, it's your relationship, but it definitley gives me some warning signs on his attitude in things to come.

Best of Luck to you.

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Well, glad I caught this t pic.

So for all this time you had no idea what it was, was perfectly fine with it there, and prob. admired it at least once..It's just ART. I assume if you cannot tell, then it is not meant to be sexual. I don't really think it's all that much to be upset about. Art comes in so many forms, to some its..... gross, awful, ugly....dumb etc.....but really to each is own....I mean do you expect him to take his own art off his own mantle? I would say that is not quite up to you.....

Once you live together, then sure...you both work on decorating...but for now, I don't think you should worry about it too much.

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hello, i am getting back to you on messaging. My boyfriend would not take the picture down, so i decided i'd be the big dog. He agreed to reframe the ex's (her name is Sharyn Jean, she is white trash) rose and make it smaller. now mine hangs proudly (and largely) above the mantle. i decided it wasnt' that big of a deal, although, he's a trained photographer and brilliant artist, this made me a little nervous on picture day. in my country (japan), anus anything is very taboo, but i see americans have no problem withanything at all! no shame, i dunno if that means classless or not!

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