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Grrr ProActiv

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Its funny how some things will or won't work. Personally I use(d) just a tube of some kinda cream (forget the brand - clean and clear maybe?) with 5% benzoyl peroxide in it. Costs $6.00. I read on it that things may get worse before they get better. Within 4 days, I couldn't BELIEVE the improvement. For once those jerks on my face were going away as fast as it seemed like they were coming. I never did experience the "getting worse" part, which I was super thankful for.


Typically I think that things will look a bit worse, but being that you've only used it for a week, things should still improve. If I were you, I'd forget paying 80 bucks a pop for that stuff and go the cheaper route. Get some kinda skin cleanser, benzyl peroxide cream and lotion. Might cost 15 bucks but it'll last you a while. Though you'll need to replace teh cream a couple times, as it doesn't last very long. At least for me, cuz I disregarded the instructions and used it 3 or 4 times a day. Go hard or go home, right?

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