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Is he interested?

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Okay there's this cute guy in my school and I noticed he looks at me everythime he passes by me... Like last year i wasn't interested in the guy and he looked at me when I was near, at first I thought I was imaginating things but then even my friend noticed. Now this year, still the same, and like his friends look at me too like all the time they see me! But now weirdly im kinda interested in him... I dont know how the hell i got interested in him when before i dint care much about him?... Once i was at my locker with some friends and when they saw me they came near and the guy in question was kind of yelling and trying to get attention... and other little stuff...


I never talked to the guy. Am I wasting my time wondering!? Is he interested or not...?

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well Amy if hes like me.... he might not have the confidence to come up and talk to you, I think this is the downfall of many mens 'secret crushes' i geuss you can call it, maybe try to find out something you have in common, maybe you have the same class as him

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Nope i AINT in an army school, lol, im a perfeclty normal ''hot'' gial lol.


Sadly he isnt in any of my classes, hes in sec. 3 n im in 2,((but suposed to be in 3 though, -.- oh well...))... Argh, maybe im imaginating things but no... cant be imaginating... he DOES look at me alot...but i dont have the nerves to go up to him and talk

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I am starting to see a trend that is quite interesting. It seems the women that would not normally be intersted in a guy get interested when the guy looks at them and does not make a move. Let's put the egos away and determine if you are interested in this guy. Just because he looks at you and does not talk to you, it seems to hurt your ego. If he were to talk to you would you talk to him and date him? I hope the answer is yes. If you like the guy, then talk to him in a very general sense and just get to know him over time. If he feels you are approachable, then he will ask you out. If it does not happen and you want it to, then mention that you would love to do something, but have noone to do with with. If he does not bite, then just ask if he would like to hang out some time. That is very general and does not say anything.

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i'm sure you'll think of something to say. what's the worst that can happen if you approach him? that he won't wanna go out with you? you're already not going out together! you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. if by chance you hit him up and he's not into it, you'll be embarrassed for a few minutes but at least you won't be agonizing over it like this. two shy people waiting for each other to get things moving is just painful. seize the day!

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ahhh! I just realized your name was armygirl and not amygirl.........well armygirl your experiencing what many men(including myself) go through alot, NERVOUS AS A MOFO syndrome, welcome to the club, but if your a everyday hot gal I dont see why you would have any problems, try to find out something about this guy you could talk to him about maybe, does he play sports or is he in any clubs at school, i not a very good conversationalists, but im sure theres something you can think about.

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