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how to show him i like him

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okay...well... i really like this guy that i work w/...we went to prom together, i'm in hs, and he's in college... before we went to prom, i didn't really have a crush on him, but prom night we had talked a lot, and enjoyed each other's company, so i got a really big crush on him. anyway, my friend thinks he likes me too. the thing is, he'll be leaving soon for the summer to go back home, so i'm not going to see him...i don't know what to do... i really like him, but i don't know how to act around him... how do i show him i like him w/out coming straight out and telling him? i'm so confused...should i tell his best friend to talk to him and find out if he likes me or is that too immature? thanks!

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Tell him upfront. You should have nothing to fear. It's also to your advantage the fact that even your friends think he might like you. It's hard to tell until someone breaks the ice.


Oh, and since you won't be seeing him, that's even a better reason to tell him. If you don't do it by the time he leaves, you'll regret it even more.

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YEah, I agree with BlueWolf. If he's leaving you should definitely tell him. Also make sure you get his information so you two can still chat and such while he's away. I'm a junior in HS and we still ask our friends to go talk to the boys we like and talk to their friends, so it's not too immature. Just some girls are the old fashioned type. Like me, for instance. But yeah. Follow your heart! If you don't do it now, you'll regret it. Who knows what would have happened!

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wow DN, great story and I like the relevance. Seems like that is a very rare type person indeed. One with quite a bit of charisma. I agree with the sentiment tho - confidence is a winner almost every time.


Why tho Bellacab, don't you want to just tell him. I don't mean like, a goofy, "uh...ah-huh, I like you..." But maybe letting him know some how that you'd like to go out with him. Spend some time with him etc. Like Dako is saying, it doesn't have to be so -in your face- but there are ways to say it.

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