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i'm over it.

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ok so finally after 2 years of being in love with someone who is not as in love with me, i'm ready to walk away. sure i feel sad but i am sooo over feeling like i'm not good enough for him. he never took me out, just came over to my house. (as i posted before, i think he was embarrassed by my being older than him and i never felt like i measured up to his standards.) he never brought me a flower, a card...i am so sick of feeling like he doesn't care at all. i kept hoping things would change but, hmmm...let's see...THEY HAVEN'T!!!!

i know i "shouldn't" be in love with someone who treats me like that, and i know that he was using me and that is very hard 2 face...i guess i did it to myself.

but it is a relief, the thought of moving on and feeling good about myself again. he was so focused on women looking a certain way, i never felt like i fit the mold and i just want to be free of that feeling. mostly, i am hoping that someday i will not even care what he thought of me.

i am attracted to all shapes and sizes, imperfections included. i hope that God will bring me someone cool like that.

i am ready to walk back into my life, into a new chapter.

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devyn, i'm not a gambler but after reading your post (and even w/o taking into consideration the attractive photo) i would bet everything i own that you will find someone much more attentive and caring than the utter swine that you describe, and likely sooner rather than later. you sound like a really nice person and should be roundly congratulated for showing him the door. i'm sure everyone here on enotalone will agree that it's his loss, not yours.


any boob that can't be bothered to give his gf even so much as a simple birthday card (!) deserves not only to be dumped, but imo he ought to be boiled in oil until extra crispy. i'm astounded that you had the patience to tolerate that type of behavior for 2 years.


i wish you the best of luck in your future relationships, although i have a strong feeling that you won't need much luck at all.

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I also think that you have self-esteem issues as well that kept you in the relationship for so long.
i thought so, too. that's why i risked sounding like Stalky McDrooler in order to give her a pat on the shoulder.


but worry not, Devyn. i live something like 10,000 miles (16,000 km) from you and there's a bunch of water in between, lol.

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