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Distance. I want a way i want us to be together

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im 15, and i have been involved previously in online relationships but they never went too far in personal depth as far as getting to know each other well, heres the deal ive met someone online that i trully feel love for,hes 18 and in texas im in a different state i love him i dont doubt my love for him were close as if its just a long distance relationship and not just online, i feel he is my soul mate the feeling is mutual among us,but yet the thought of us being young,lingers in the back of my head i often stop and think that im just 15, it really shreds my soul to love this guy so much and yet have him so far away.He makes me feel loved that someone out there is thinking of me that he loves me for me he fills my heart he shuts out the sadness the loneliness i forget all my self-pitty because i know he loves me the way i am.Another thing is even if its just a few minutes we talk on IM he makes my day much better and now hes moving to another relatives house and wont be able to talk to me in a long long while he wont be able to access a PC and know i fear he will find someone that will be there the way i cant physically give him all the hugs and smiles i cant. and the weird thing is i alws used to think that falling in love over the net was absurd and imposible and look at me now deeply in love over the net... ill be more than glad to hear comments and advice.i tried explaining that as best as i could and its not too well cause theres still a ton of more emotions and feelings inside me that i just dont now how to describe...


"I dont understand a God that would allow us to meet when there is no way for us of being together"




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Wow, first you need to understand that God has nothing to do with it... That said I am going to share a story with you that happened in OKC. Several people were in an AOL chat room when a 14 year old girl logged in and began talking about how depressed she was. This girl managed to get a lot of people's attention when she began talking about how she was about to kill herself by hanging herself in her bedroom with her parents asleep downstairs. She even included pictures of herself and pictures of the rope tied to the ceiling fan. People in the chat room became alarmed and somebody (I don't know if it was an administrator or what) managed to figure out what IP this girl was using and they were able to track down the actual phone number of the girl using the new number search in the police dispatch. They came up with an address in OKC and dispatched several police cars and fire and EMSA out to the house where the girl called from... Uniformed police officers arrived at the house and began to beat on the door to try to wake up the parents and only after several attempts to kick open the door did the girl's father answer the door. Police informed the man that they thought his daughter was hanging herself in one of the bedrooms (because the house was one story) and they needed to get to her. After some tense moments and after police and EMSA were making entry into the house did the man, who they assumed was the girl's father, admit that it was in fact HIM that was chatting in the chat room. He also said that he had no intention of killing himself but he was just "messing with people's heads". You see, this was a 40-ish, balding, fat man! There was no girl at all. Just to let you know that some people are not always what they appear in chat rooms. Who really knows what this moron was trying to do but he sure had people convinced, didn't he? Just be careful before you fall for someone that might just be ficticious.

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  • 1 month later...

I agree with overcorrect: there is a lot of wackos and weirdos on the internet and you have to be very, very careful who you get involved with. However, to be honest, I do believe in internet relationships. I think they can work and actually right now I am into one. What I do in time is asking for pictures and after I feel comfortable over things and I trust the woman to a certain level, I would ask her if I could call her. For me though, that is very easy. I have low phone rates for calls anywhere in the world and on top of that I can afford it, because I have a good job that makes good money. That's why for me things are relatively easy to separate wheat from the chaff.


I would recommend you to be very careful. You cannot do the things and use the 'tricks' I use. On top of that young girls can make easy victims. Please think before you act!



Questions? Let me know!


~ SwingFox ~

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  • 3 years later...

I totally agree with everyone who's posted


But also, ur only 15..u can't expect to find tru love at ur age, no offense

And as everyone suggested, he may be someone totally diff.


For Example, I met a girl online, who told me she had trust issues with people online, because she talked to, what she thought was a guy her age, told "him" many personal things about herself and they online dated but she found out about a year later she was a lesbian, I'll call her Martha, Martha felt that this girl should know... it was a shock to the girl, but the damage was done.. she decieved her Tho the girl had no bad intentions, it was still deception..so the girl caught off ties with Martha..so this proves.so ppl can be whatever they wanna be. they just gotta tell the person their attracting otherwise.


I hope this helps somewhat..cuz im also new here. lol


Any questions, IM or Email.

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i know how annoying it must be to hear people say your relationship isn't real, but even though the feelings are real its true...it isn't a real relationship and it won't be a real one...maybe if you were the same age and going off to college it could work, but even then thats a stretch, at 15 if i remember correctly you are either a freshman or sophomore in highschool...too much time left to have fun and date people you see every day then go for the LDR. LDR's are usually for people with the means and money to see their SO's at least once a month. No relationship can be forged on personality alone.

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