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OK first off i'm not saying all girls are full of gossip,where they like to go to their friends and state every little thing that happens lol

well about this girl that I like,but she just wants to stay friends,so she and I are just friends,but doesn't mean i'm not still frustrated about the situation,so i'm still venting ( well venting by meaning i'm frustrated but never said anything bad about the girl..all positive remarks)with friends. well couple of my friends just happens to be close friends with the girl that I like. those 2 friends i've vented to a lot about this. I got to thinking,what if they go to her and spill everything i've told them. just in general speaking,could that be highly possible.

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In my experience, men gossip just as much as women do. The only difference is the delivery of the message - how they express it and say it. Some, not all, women go into lengthy conversations, just like men. Some men will keep their gossip short and to the point, just like some women do.


Either way, once you tell her friends, chances are, her friends will tell her. If that's what you intend to happen, then it may be a good thing. Just pay attention to her reaction towards you in the next couple of weeks.

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