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Testicular Cancer?

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Hi everyone,


Ive discovered a very small lump on my testicle, to say the least it has me worried.


It is no more than 5mm aross, and is like a spot. It has appeared extremely quickly.


I was wondering, can anyone tell me if this is a sign of testicular cancer. Having read numerous pages of internet jargon, none specify the size of which a cancerous lump would be, and im thinking (and hoping) tht this lump is too small to be significant, however im not sure.


Any help greatly appreciated.


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Is it on the testicle or is it on the scrotum?


It could be a sign of cancer, it could also be a spermatocele - a blocked epidydimal duct.


Your best bet it to go to a doctor and get it checked.


(In the case of cancer, getting it checked while it is small is the best thing, the quicker it's caught the easier it is to get rid of it.)

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Best not to worry yourself before you know. Make a doctors appt and check it out.


And I applaud you for taking notice and doing something about it. Some people are just too stubborn to go to the doctor and figure things will right themselves. Why put yourself through that. Problems are best solved while they are small and managable.

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