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Need your perspective LADIES/GIRLS !!!!!

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I need a ladies' perspective on this one.


I have a girl-friend (a friend who's a girl), who I like since we still go to college (we're done with college for 3 years now).


I haven't seen her since we went out (we went out once, but I wouldn't call it a date as she brought her friend along, this was almost a year and half). We have been in touch, since--here and there.


I would be in touch, at least once a month with her. I would either send her an email or give her a phone call. Here's the problem---She would respond, BUT, not after I send her about 4-7 emails (I would average about 5 emails every month) and she would NOT return any of my phone calls at all! Everytime she would respond it would say that 1. she's not very good in keeping contacts, 2. she is very busy with her job. and 3. She's sorry for not responding right away to my emails. This has been going on for almost 8 months now.


Should I just move on and forget about her? should I keep my patience (By the way, if you would know her, she isn't exactly a very organized person)? Ladies give me your take on this PLEASE!!!

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i'm not a female but i can tell you that she is not interested. If a girl is interested in a man, she would most likely return the email after several days and would answer or at least return your calls.


And what are you doing sending emails anyways? Use the phone and set up a date. If she doesn't comply to the date....you have to move on.


Sorry man but you have given this girl 8 months of your life and it doesn't seem to have gone anywhere. I think its time to move on to other girls.

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I am not sure if she knows how you feel about her? have you asked her out on a proper date, or have you mostly just done "friend" things? I think it might be nice to ask her ot to do something. This way she will be able to give you a direct "yes" or "no" response. She may not fully realise how strong your feelings are toward her. If you are "just friends" then people often feeli it is not imperative that they call or write right away. But if you are romantically involved, it is the norm to call and/or write daily.


I think a helpful thing to do is to ask her out to dinner or coffee, or to a movie..whatever you think might be nice to do with her. This way she will be able to respond to you, and your connection will be more defined. If she seems to show no interest, then perhaps it is time to gently understand she may not be open to receiving your affections.

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Actions speak louder than words. Her actions of not returning your calls (you mentioned calling her about 4-5 times until she decides to respond), she mainly sees you as a friend and wants to keep you at a distance. She probably keeps you at a distance because she senses you like her.


It's her way of gently letting you down. Let go and move on. You're better off without her. Don't hold onto hopes, either. "Busy" is another way for her to be friendly with you. If I liked a guy enough, busy wouldn't be an issue. We always prioritize our time for those whom we have interest in.


Realize that you deserve someone who will like you just as much as you like them.

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