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Two Poems Just for You


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Here are a couple of poems written during an extremely idle previous night


Stonehenge (Written in a Shakespearean Sonnet)


The towers of grey stone shoot up skyward,

Presumeably to touch theird deities,

But mysteries give questions we abhore,

All the answers we find are yet surmise.


The drudic ancients build this temple high,

How they created such a work is lost,

The facts we find in our search can't tie,

From gand'ring on our eyes remain glossed.


This calander of un-moveable rock,

Simply tugs at the reaches of our minds,

If only our ancient wonders talked,

we would know more of our archaic kind.


If we discover what secrets she holds,

Perhaps we'll know what our future holds.





Walking through the moonlit vale,

I know that I shall ne'er prevail,

Yet sit inside my cell and wale,

The happenings that make my tale.


The world looks down upon my life,

Through unforgiving eyes of strife,

I still march on playing my fife,

Only to find my ow'ed tithe.


Alone on this detestful Earth,

I curse my very day of birth,

The faces that resent my worth,

Have reached beyond their own'ed turf.


I wish to leave but yet I stay,

Hoping for a brighter day,

Perhapes the fates will sway my way,

Least I become an endless fray.



Any comments would be greatly appreiciated and criticizm is even more welcome. Also, I emplore you to help me find a title for the second poem.


Many thanks in advance,


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Why thank you, I agree with you, the second one is a much better poem as it is written with emotion. Stonehenge was just somthing to do and I said "hmm, lets write a sonnet!" (for no reason other than bordem). I am curious though, what do you mean by "beyond my years?" I took it as these are somthing one older or more experienced than myself would write. Just looking for clairification.




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I am curious though, what do you mean by "beyond my years?" I took it as these are somthing one older or more experienced than myself would write. Just looking for clairification.



Yes!! that is what I meant by beyond your years.I expected it from someone older a poem of that sort with the wording and the emotion.you have a amazing talent..keep it up.

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