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I called her...Sorry to those who said dont!!!

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Thank you all for your input...I do value it, I hope that none are offended if I do not take your advice...I did call her last night...I felt like I needed to and I am glad that I did...She was very hurt by the fact that I took her pictures down but did understand why...More so, the reason I am glad that I called is because I found out a lot of other information...While we were talking last night, she got another call and it turned out to be her baby's dad. When she got back on the phone with me, she was so upset at him and we started talking about it....It is very clear that he is not over her at all and because he is not with her, he does everything he can to make her life difficult...his attitude is that he does not need to watch the baby if she is not at work...only while she is working is it her responsibility to watch the baby and anytime she needs him to watch her, it is a nightmare...he always asks where she is going and who with and I can tell you that this was something that I was worried about. She has obviously been "hiding" me for the last 10 months, not because she likes him or doesn want to hurt his feelings but because she doesnt want to have to put up with the drama...for her to talk to me about this stuff was a big step for both of us last night...he treats her like **it, and unfortunately, she cant cut off contact with him because he does watch the baby often..so does his parents...so, that is kind of where we are at...does anyone agree that this is an issue that needs to be resolved by her before we can move forward???


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I think it does need to be resolved first, but she has to be the one to make the first step. You getting in the way and bringing it up to him would definitely be a bad thing. Tell her that you want to continue what you hae, but it's going to get bad if he finds out another way. Plus, if she tells him, she will look so much stronger in his eyes. He will see that she doesn't need him and she can stand up to him.


It may effect the relationship between the father and child, but it's his problem, and you can't feel responsible for his actions. He can make the choice not to be angry, or quite the opposite. The one thing he can't do is control her life. He has to realize that it's over between them and it's out of his hands. If it's not you, eventually she'd find someone else and be in the same situation...


Follow me? Good luck!



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