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i dont understand this situation

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ive hung out with this girl the past few months and we always have a good time. she broke up with her boyfriend and we hung out and we ended up kissing and pretty much did all of that. except sex of course. so after this, i somewhat thought that this was going to lead to a relationship. but as it turns out, she ends up telling me that she likes me but is NOT looking for a serious relationship or expecting one.


this, of course, kinda bothered me. i wasn't expecting a full blown commited relationship but yet just something that would start one at least.


ive never been in this situation before. i have feelings for her. how am i suppose to act when we're together and if we start kissing? just continue acting like friends? is she just flirting with the idea and just seeing what happens? or is it some kind of thing women do after break ups? should i expect her to say one day "i'm sorry but i don't think i can have a relationship with you"?


i dont understand.


thank you

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well radiotone.....

i honestly think u should wait for a lil bit before u press it on her....becuz after all she did just get out of a relationship...and she is just enjoying freedom!....give her a little bit....ask her out for a cup of coffee or something on the downlow....a walk or something...u know? and then go on from there....see how things go when u go for coffee and make ur decision on it...


dont invest urself too heavily in her just yet....becuz from what i know...girls that just got out of the relationship are kinda everywhere....not in a hooking up sense...but emotionally they tend to go back and forth.....unless she gives u a clear green light....or a strong sign....i dont think u should go for it just yet! thats my 2 cents

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  • 2 months later...

I really think that u need to talk to this girl and tell her how u feel, if ur not looking for a serious relationship then maybe she would fell diffrerently, life is to short to keep ur feelings inside, if u like someone u need to tell them, i wish u all the luck

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