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A friend has once asked for my advice:


"I really liked this girl, and I sure she likes me too." he said. I asked him, "Why don't you ask her out or something?" His response was "I'm afraid she will say no, I hate that notion." So, I told him, "You know, every man on this earth has to go through that, if you ask her, and she rejects you, so what? there's many more women out there, it's not the end of the world." So after long hours of debate, finally he'd gotten over that "afraid of rejection" ordeal. But then, punches out this question "I have never been in a relationship before, I don't know if I could handle it--I don't know how to handle it." So I told him "The relationship is between the two of you, you can't handle a relationship alone, you need your partner's help." That didn't help him, he just has insecurities that he can't get over with.




What else could I advise to this friend of mine?

Do you agree with my advice?

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ok, yes, I agree with your advice. you should tell your friend, that a relationship is a friendship, a partnership. you have to build from somewhere, and a good friendship often leads to a great relationship, if it all falls in right. not to say that some great relationships never became a bad friendship. relly, ust tell him to be friends in the relationship, to be supportive, caring and close to his partner. that's all it takes to be in a good relationship.

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