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Is There no Hope to Make Amends?

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I have wronged many people in my life, often without realizing how "brutally honest" I am being. I have tried many times over to pick my words carefully--and yet, I still manage to be far too metaphorical or otherwise morbid or even "insensitive." I don't intend it, I assure you. But I am desperate to change. Can you all tolerate me enough to give me a shot at being a better person?

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There is no doubt that the majority of people here are behind you completely.

That is what we are all here for , is to support you and help you in every way possible.



The reason it bothers me so, Coollady, is that I have rubbed some people of this site the wrong way. I am such a fool! I asked before what I could do to watch what I say and how--alas, I have angered a few with my childish approach.

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I feel certain you will make the proper amends to those you feel you have wronged with your words.


You seem very mature beyond your age. You have seen the err of your ways on your own and realize the need to make things right again.


I commend you for having the desire to change things.

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The reason it bothers me so, Coollady, is that I have rubbed some people of this site the wrong way.


Don't sweat it. People in here rub each other up the wrong way all the time.


Respect other people's viewpoint but don't feel you have to agree with them all the time. I've read lots of your posts and they are fine (if perhaps sometimes too obtuse).

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Respect other people's viewpoint but don't feel you have to agree with them all the time. I've read lots of your posts and they are fine (if perhaps sometimes to obtuse).



I never intended to make myself agree or to lash out at an ideal I did not agree with--but anytime I did happen to comment on any idea someone questioned me about, I suppose I answered in the wrong text. If you will look at the "Tell us Your Reasons to Stay," you will find I have inadvertadly caused all kinds of hell.

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Tact and diplomacy are skills that you'll develop over time. Right now it's good that you're exploring your own mind and heart and that you aren't afraid to share your views. I don't know who you've offended, but I'd just suggest as a general rule of thumb that it helps to try to put yourself in the other person's shoes before hitting that "Post Quick Reply" button. Reread your message and ask yourself: "If I were sad or hurting and asking for advice, would this reply be helpful or hurtful? If it's both, is there a nicer way to say the same thing while still getting my point accross?" There's no need to hide what you're trying to say in a lot of fluffy prose, but even the most straight-forward advice can be given with kindness.

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I saw your posts in the "Tell us your Reason to Stay" thread. They were a bit out there but I don't think anyone really thought you literally meant what you were saying. Really, don't worry about it. If you post here long enough you will put some people off-side.


Keenan's given you some great advice above. Always try and step into the other person's shoes.

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If you post here long enough you will put some people off-side.


Now THAT is certainly true We're not all going to get along like best friends all the time. I agree, Keenan's made some good points. I wouldn't worry too much about it, I find that whenever I see you have made a comment, I eagerly wonder what insight you have to offer. You are very interesting and although I don't always understand your posts Tesseract, I find you to be quite fascinating sometimes

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