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What Should i Do now?

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Dude this is terrible. bad enough taking advantage of someone but someone who is from another country who doesnt have any safety net. I dont what you can really do other than contact local immigrant services in the area you are in. ANd try to contact your embassy. If you try googling for immigrant services in the city you are in that might get you started. Good luck.

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Hey just wanted to let you know im also from India... But getting to the more important stuff deffinatly get a lawyer ... and get away from her. You don't know what or how she will react next. You could be seriously hurt. You have to get out of the relationship before it is to late. And you are left with nothing !!! going to the embassy is a good idea.

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I think you should definitely report this girl to the internet site as well as the as the appropriate immigration services. Maybe they can step in ensure she cant "mail order" anymore grooms. She has clearly taken advantage of the cultural differences and societal differences. To be honest I have never heard of such a disgusting person in my life.

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