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could use some advice

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hey im in a situation and could use some advice.


i met a girl on the internet about 6 months ago and we've been talking ever since, though we havn't met due to conflicting scheduals, long distances and busy lives.


she's everything that ive ever been looking for in a girl and im luck to have met her but im havign some trouble. i knwo shes busy but sometimes she doesnt call back for liek a week and it puts me on edge, and i keep thinking that ive screwed something up somehow (in fact im afraid that every move i make is a wrong one though i have no real reason to believe it is when we talk)


now ive told her that i can wait and i can- i have absolutley no problem with it, its just that that not calling when she says she will etc. just puts mre right on edge, it makes me think that she can't give me 30 seconds, etc. so im not sure exactly what to do...


any help would be appreciated and i can elaborate on anything if it would help...




kid a 629

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I don't really know what to tell you other than long distance relationships rarely work out. I think your best bet would be try to to meet some other girls in your area. Maybe you'll meet someone you like better. At the very least spending time with them will take your mind off the fact that this one isn't calling.

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