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UHHHHHH..... i don't know how to interpret this lol

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Is this acquaintance of mine interested in me?


-flirts with me all the time

-compliments me CONSTANTLY

-ALWAYS notices me right away in a crowd or when i enter a room before i notice him (but then again i found people tend to notice me before i notice them so this one may not mean much lol)

-goes out of his way to talk to me when he sees me

-teases me

-laughs at everything i say and do even though its not that funny and no one else is laughing

-offered to buy me food

-plays around with my things

-his friend asked me what i think of ___ (the guy's name)...then i said we're just friends and that he's not interested in me that way, then his friend said what if he IS interested in me that way and even asked me if i'm just leading ___ on



-wants to hook me up with one of his friends (wingman principle?)

-didn't add me on msn when he had the chance to (a friend asked him if he wanted my msn, he danced around the subject, didn't end up adding me)




but let me know if you need more details, thanks in advance for anyone trying to help

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What's a wingman?


definition from the internet: a wingman is a companion who accompanies his or her friend on social excursions to court the opposite sex.


in the words of a guy friend:

if a guy likes you but not in 'that way' but you do like him 'that way' then he tries his best to hook you up with one of his buddies who will like you 'that way' and who you will like so you won't get hurt...thus he ends up looking like a good guy rather than a bad guy and he still gets to keep you as a friend (since guys all know that girls have a hotline in which we share details on guys and if they treat one like dirt then they will not date until they are discharged from the army 8 years later...)

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The bigger question - are YOU into him?


If you like him and think he likes you, why not ask him?


I mean, like, ask him out. If he says yes, then you'll know.


i like him, but more as a friend. everything i do with him has been out of friendliness...i can't believe his friend asked me if i was just 'leading him on'...

can't a girl be friendly without always making the guy think she likes him??

(hypothetical question btw)

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