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New twist in my x-gf saga...she called

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God! It sounds as if you have done the exact right thing here. I bet she woke up this morning feeling stupid about it tho - if she even remembers. Next time she tries to call, don't answer and carry on not replying to her texts. Sounds like she just wants her cake.

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Good for you - although I have reservations about telling her you have a new g/f when that is not true.


Chances are that she will either not remember the conversation or will say she does not. But I think you are wise to recognise that she is one of these people who has to have a b/f in tow and since she dumped the other guy she thought you would be handy.


A question for you: if she were really serious about getting back with you what would you do?

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She sounds like a real piece of work! You sound like you're taking this all very well though, so good for you! I know other people in your situation would have a lot of trouble taking this all the way you are.


That being said, I think telling her you have a new GF was a mistake. You've now given her a reason to obsess over you more, and do some investigating into finding your new imaginary GF. Probably, she will find out you don't have one, and that will be yet another reason for her to contact you...again. On top of that, the fact you lied to her about it will probably make her think you still have feelings for her.


I think the next time she calls you again (and we both know there will be a next time) you should tell her politely and firmly, that you are no longer lovers, and you don't want to be friends. Tell her you want NC. Then end the conversation. From then on, you should ignore all her texts and phone calls. Would it be possible for your phone company to block her # from calling you? Maybe you can contact them and ask.

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Maybe the gf thing was a mistake...I said it because I wanted her to see I had moved on (even though maybe in hindsight I haven't as much as I had thought I had) and that I wasn't moping around over her.


What would I do if she was serious about all of this? I'd have to assess that situation if and when it happened but she would have to work very, very, very, very, very hard to win me back and prove she made a mistake.


But she did also mention that she was seeing this other ex-bf who she apparently dumped yesterday, today and was also pulling a guy in the club just before she rang me. So I don't think she is particularly "In love" with me! In addition, she also told me that she's going on holiday with this other guy and his parents later this year. You work her out...I can't.


The whole conversation was bizarre....she's so into me and then is meeting her ex-bf today! She said something along the lines of, "I will call you later in the week and see if I can come see your mum, but I don't know what is happening with Tom yet (the guy she just dumped)." I said meeting is not a good idea.


She's weird...

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SadHatter - I salute you mate


She is still trying to find out if she 'has you' and you could not have handled her call any better. Fantastic stuff bro. You now know that you 'have it over her' so to speak. She has no power over you whatsoever...and she is now the vulnerable one.


That's not to sound malicious, but sometimes we hurt because we feel that our exes are 'superior' to us somehow and it's nice to be reminded that we have no reason to feel that way.


She will be absolutely mortified this morning, and if I was you I'd be grinning from ear to ear.


...and to think we were worried about her not replying to your "hi" text, huh? lol

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Oh, and BTW SadHatter - I don't think she was pulling a guy in the club last night at all. I honestly believe that that was her way of saying "I want to be with you....but if you don't want me, just remember that I am attractive and can get someone else".


It was her little 'safety net' to prevent herself from looking needy in your eyes. As soon as you dropped the 'new girl bombshell' however, her facade was well and truly exposed.


Great job again mate.

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She's manipulative. Personally I would never take her back. I read your previous posts and this girl has done nothing but make you miserable.


I find it ironic that she called you from a toilet - because that is where you should flush this 'relationship'.

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Thanks Majord. I think I even called her bluff at one time though and said something like, "If you want to see me, you can come here, I am not going out to meet you". (I wouldn't actually have met her, I just called her bluff)...to which she replied, "I can't. I don't know what is happening with me and Tom yet." Absolutely priceless. She doesn't know what she wants herself.


She couldn't accept it when I said, "no I don't love you." She went on and on and on, "YES YOU DO YOU KNOW YOU DO, WHY DON'T YOU JUST ADMIT IT, I KNOW YOU BETTER THAN ANYONE". I said, "Because I don't." "YES YOU DO, YOU DO, BLATANTLY" etc. etc.

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