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Does your boyfriend beat you up? HELP

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yeah at the time i brushed it off but now im thinking of it more and i think it was totally messed up, weird, and also what does this guy think of me to ask me that?


I just lost respect for him and want to have less contact with him after asking me that.. He couldve just said well how is he a jerk, what does he do?

He just came out and goes "DOES HE BEAT YOU UP"?


i think its disgusting. I havent even told my Mom and my brother he said that.

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Or, here's another side to it, maybe he grew up watching his mother get beaten up, so he assumes that when a guy's a jerk, he beats women up, because that's what he perceived to be true.


If he asked in a way that he seemed really concerned for you, then it's probably becasue he's trying to act like a brother and watch over you.

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I noticed in this post that guys did not have any comments. Probably a lot of guys are thinking like me. We say the stupidest things, sometimes without thinking first. Maybe he was teasing you or maybe he was being dramatic. I dont see a reason to analyze that one blurt and assume he is an abusive person based on just one comment. Unless you have other reasons to suspect that he is abusive.

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