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ugh confusing

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well im going out with this girl now and i havent seen her for a while cause the situation hasnt provided so far so what would be a really good/sweet way of saying good bye over the internet that shows her that i really care about her?


and also would it be going too fast if i kissed her in like a week?i mean were really getting along well together and all

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a good way of saying goodbye over the internet if your not too serious yet... if youre the sort of person who doesnt mind using abreviations / chatspeak / whatever you like to call it, you could say 'luv you, bye'. its not serious, but shows that you like her and care. also, if and when your relationship progresses, you can switch to 'love' without feeling awkward. most girls would find that sort of goodbye really sweet anyway.

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maybe the phrase has slightly different meanings in different parts of the world... here if you say luv it just means you care about someone, you like them, prettymuch. some people even sign it to emails to their friends. its not something you say out loud, you dont want to sound like a stupid teenage girl 'OMG i love you so much i'll do anything for you this is like true love omg'. i dont know. maybe its a bit different where you are.

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well i really dont think that there is a "romanic" way to say good bye to some one on the internet...but other ways you can be romanic is send flowers to her house or work or whatever a girl loves flowers but just tell her how much you like her and no i dont think that a week would be to fast...but on the first date...no

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As to what you said about not knowing to kiss her, there are several 'kiss tests' you can do, to see if she's ready to kiss you without 'putting yourself out there' so to speak. For girl's kissing can actually be a big desicion and will symbolize potential in the relationship, so you need to be aware of this, but you also can't take too long to kiss her. One simple kiss test is when your with her, reach over and stroke her hair, look into her eyes, down at her lips and back up at her eyes. If she doesn't do anything to stop you, reach further back and do it again, if she gazes into your eyes she wants to kiss you, just pull her towards you and do it. Don't think about it, just do it, girls love to be kissed if its the right guy. You can also simply say, "would you like to kiss me?" If she says yes..well your in, if she says maybe, you're still in, if she says no, then I would say 'too bad' and kiss her anyway..given you're in a romantic setting or the start of a relationship, but that's just me, if you're scared of getting the kiss rejected you could just say, "oh ok, it just looked like there was something on your mind."

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