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From a Guys POV, what's going on?? LONg... but please read, its interesting...

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I'm a girl who is seeking to know what's going on this guys mind that I fancy....


This may be long, but it feels like I'm in a chick flick movie....


So let's assume your a guy, in college who goes to class with this girl on tuesdays and thursdays, you've made long eye contact with her one day. she came into class late, and the two of you happened to look into each others eyes and hold eye contact for about 4 seconds and then she cut the eye contact and looked down and continued towards her seat. Your a very outspoken confident guy, you like to associate with people. Like bringing some life to the class room, got a sense of humor. but one day you try to glance at her from accross the room during class, you lean back in your chair and look towards her way smiling, and she notices and she's smiling aswell. Also, one day, students are handing up papers, you are your usual self, associating with people around you, until you turn around and see the girl right behind you, look directly into her eyes for one second, then quickly hesitate and turn away and continue on to your seat. You still haven't talked to this girl, though you've talked to others around you, but you've seen her laugh at your jokes every once in a while. So... the last day of class, you come into school looking your best. Nice button down shirt, gelled hair, you still havent talked to her, so that term ended a miss...




The spring term starts, and on your second day in class, a tuesday, class ended you come out and you see her walking accross the hallway, and the two of you literally cross paths again, she see's you come out from your class room, you guys made brief eye contact, with shifty eyes. you looked at each other, looked away, then at each other, then away, as you kept walking away... you figure she has a class in the same building as you, so you'll see her next tuesday.


and you did see her, she was down the hall fixing some papers in her binder, looks like it fell out. but as you come out of your class, a friend of yours, a lady friend comes up to you and hugs you. The girl that was down the hall looks up and see's you hugging this girl with a concerned curious look on her face. And you notice her looking, You then say bye to your friend and walk the opposite way of where your friend is heading and quickly go for the door.


you then see the girl the following tuesday, she's walking down the hallway, so instead of going through the door you went through last week, you end up following her, and walk towards her direction. She turns and looks over her shoulder and see's you, then turns and faces forward again and continues to walk. You guys are just walking and walking, there are 2 people in between the two of you, but they branch off and go into the parking lot, and the two of you are just there still walking, until finally she heads towards the entrance of another building, but before she completely goes in, she turns and the two of you are looking at each other again for a long time while your walking to the parking lot infront of the building, and while she's going inside the building.


Sooo... next tuesday, you walk down that same hallway she went through again... you walk outside and INTO that building you saw her go into last week, you see her come out of the bathroom and she see's you, but has a suprising look on her face, quickly looks down and continues to walk away...


Soo you dont walk that way the following tuesday. instead you walk with two of your friends, just associating with them or whatever....


the week after it just so happens that tuesday is valentines day. Your dressing rather down today... hair outta place and ungelled. Wearing a gray sweat shirt. people are still walking around, handing out valentines with the little candies on it, walking up and down, and something surprising happens, she shows up at your class, and says your name and walks up to you while your sitting down. you couldn't help but to look into her eyes again, and she says "wait..." while she opens her purse, your still looking at her and she hands you a note and says "here...", you say thank you and she leaves the class.


the note says your name, and that she wishes she would have talked to you sooner, but its better late than never, and how she remembers you very well from her class last term, and she always found you interesting and hopefully she'll talk to you soon.


soo... next tuesday comes, you dress better than you did last week. you gel your hair, got a new shirt on. your walking with a lady friend of yours and you see the girl walking towards your direction, you see her, she see's you as well, you stop at the junction where the two of you would cross paths while your still talking with your friend, but the girl looks the other way and continues to walk...


so the next tuesday, you don't even get to see her, nor do you see her the following tuesday, she didnt even walk down that hallway. but then you end up seeing her on a thursday, which you had no idea she had that class tuesdays and thursday, your talking with another lady friend, you turn around and see her, she's a few people behind you, but you continue walking and talking with this girl, and then head another direction and walk around the building, and you go to the entrance where the girl usually comes out of, and your talking with about 2-3 lady friends, and you see her, but continue talking to those other girls. the girl walks through the doors and just... walks to her destination, doesnt even make eye contact.


the tuesday after next, since it was spring break, she comes out those doors again, and you see her, you two dont make eye contact or anything. it's like she doesnt even exist to you anymore...




Now back to my Point of View... what should I do to let this guy know that I'm just shy and not neccesarily blowing him off... I want to talk to him, but everytime I try to, he's talking to someone. I want to go to his class again and ask him to come out so I can talk to him, but I dunnoo...


And like now that we dont even make eye contact or anything, everything is just a dud now. After reading what I just wrote... I can see why he's doing what he's doing... but if he's so outgoing and sociable, why hasn't he talked to me yet??

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Yeah... this has been going on for a while now!! Many just more of a "fantasy" on both your parts.. Do you REALLY want to talk to him or keep the dream alive that he is the perfect guy. I would have thought that note would have made him talk to you the next time he saw you. How about just saying "hello" next time you see him instead of just looking at him. That is maybe all he needs to get talking to you

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your absolutley right.... the both of you....wow...


the tuesday i saw him after i gave him the note, it was like my face obtained rigormortis and i couldn't even smile...


I just need some sort of a forgiveness proposition. Because I know im frustrated about the situation, and he's probably frustrated as well and has given up. It's like I almost hate him, but deep down I really don't. I'd still give anything just to talk to him, and would fall for him over and over again. Gosh I thought i was the only retard doing something like this... not that you're a retard, but im just saying, it's difficult.


God bless you guys for replying... it's deffinatley something to think about... But what should I do now? Should i go back to his class and ask him if I can talk to him? I'd rather us talk one on one, ya kno? Cuz he's always around those girls... or some friend...

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Am I right to say that you see him only once or twice a week? If that's so, then give yourself 1-2 more weeks to build up the flirting with him again. Start smiling at him, waving at him, and saying "hi" to him each time you pass. If he responds in kind, start talking to him about hanging out over coffee.


BTW, I thought you were terribly brave to hand him the note! It was going really well, with the smiles, and eye contact until this point of your story:


you stop at the junction where the two of you would cross paths while your still talking with your friend, but the girl looks the other way and continues to walk.


Why did you turn away from him when you could have smiled at him and said "hi"? Were you playing with him or just too shy?

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Am I right to say that you see him only once or twice a week? If that's so, then give yourself 1-2 more weeks to build up the flirting with him again. Start smiling at him, waving at him, and saying "hi" to him each time you pass. If he responds in kind, start talking to him about hanging out over coffee.


BTW, I thought you were terribly brave to hand him the note! It was going really well, with the smiles, and eye contact until this point of your story:



Why did you turn away from him when you could have smiled at him and said "hi"? Were you playing with him or just too shy?




yea i see him once or twice a week. I would like to build up the flirting again slowly, but there's only a few more weeks till this term is over, I dont wanna be too late.


thanks, it took a lotta courage for me to do that.


nah I was just wayy too shy. I wasn't playing with him at all, but I can see how he probably feels that way.

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well I wanna go up to him and actually talk to him this time... but im afraid of becoming speechless... but ive been contemplating on meeting him before class, and telling him that i need to speak with him after class... I wanna apologize to him for walking away insteading of saying something, i wanna tell him that sometimes people mistake my awkwardness and timidness for being rude and avoidance, and that I'm not that type of person to tell him one thing, and then do the exact opposite.



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you need to learn to communicate without notes. If you worry about becoming speechless, you actually might become. If you read my thread I linked earlier, I apparently can go like that sometimes. However, I have never went speechless. You can always blurt out something he can catch on if he's interested. Believe me, if he likes you, and you just somehow mumble something, he will do his best to make a conversation out of it. Been there, done that.

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yea i read that thread actually, thanks! they do have alot in common!! I guess I can just verbally say to him what i put in the note... I know i fear being speechless but... I also know that I should never let my fear grow stronger than my faith. Fear is in the mind, and faith is in the heart. Fear will always tell you what you can't do, faith will tell you what you can do. And if you have faith in what's in your heart, you can do anything!! And i know for sure that I'm capable of carrying on a good conversation, it's just that my shyness gets the best of me atimes. But im determined to go the extra mile!

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