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Hi Guys


I need some help, i am seeing this girl for about 2 months and there are times wer i want to have sex with but it's hard for it to stay up. it's not her, she is aroused and wt, ready to have sex, but i'm just can't get it to stay up. i am very attracted to her. is it maybe just nerves. i dunno what it is. is there anything i can take to make it stay up longer.

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If you're attracted to her and have trouble maintaining an erection long enough to have sex with her, I'm going to venture a guess and say it's nerves, at least for now--maybe you're not QUITE ready to take that step with her yet.


I would give it time, and just do things you're comfortable with, and compliment her regularly so she knows how beautiful you think she is, that you're attracted to her, etc. Maybe once you two get truly comfortable with each other, the problem will solve itself.


I've been dating a guy for going on three months now, and for about the first month (and still sometimes now but definitely not the majority of the time), he had trouble with the same thing you described. He was definitely attracted to me, but had a very hard time staying hard....we established that it was just nerves, because the more we spent time doing physical things together and the more I complimented him, etc., the better things got.


Viagra is of course an option if things don't seem to improve after a while, but I would give it time. It could be nothing more than nerves.

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