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Socialized timings/How to approach....

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Where are the best places to hang out and socialize to try and meet singles? I know about coffee houses near a univeristy area.... But when I try those places, people end up closed off. They are working on their homework, on their laptop, reading, etc. I have started off some "small talk" towards some guys who sit alone, and we talk a bit. I end up taking initiative by introducing myself and everything. However, when I leave or they leave, there is never ANY further pursuing. I am tired of doing all the initiating. I do not want to "wait" to be approached because no one EVER approaches me.....


I don't go to bars and clubs because I have NO one to go with, and I wouldn't dare go alone - too dangerous.


I am still trying and trying and trying, etc.....


I still have NO luck. People will just NOT approach me. I tend to smile, look around, read, and do this pattern over and over with NO luck. I sometimes feel like I have a sign on my forehead or something that's preventing these guys from approaching me. I try and sit near an open area so I am approachable.


Any other ideas???

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Firstly, I wouldn't worry about it being something that's wrong with you...because frankly, people in university do not generally approach others in a coffee shop. I know that when I go, I would never even think of it, and merely just observe (okay check out ) anyone who is attractive or looks interesting. Most college aged people still do care about seeming "weird" by talking to random people. I don't know anyone, guys or girls, who approach others except for in a classroom or bar/club situation.


Do you go to uni? I find making friends/socializing easiest when you're asking someone for notes, or their phone numbers for studying, etc...


Good call on the not going alone though, it's better to be safe than sorry.

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Walking a dog is a great way to meet other people, particular in large open parks. If you don't have one then offer to walk someone else's dog for them. I have struck up great conversations and made friends doing this, plus you get the added benefit of exercise for you and the dog!


Join social groups too, some places have singles parties and you can meet a lot of people this way, and there is a large choice of people. They are all there for the same reason as you, and if you don't like anyone there, then so be it, there's no commitment.


Good luck

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