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I wonder this a lot. I kind of think you can be happy with more than one person......I don't believe in 'soulmates'; or at least I think everyone has more than one. I think it is more a matter of meeting the right person and then working hard to make it right from there on.

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You beat me to it, I agree with the last post...



I guess I'd say, somewhere in the middle.


1) I believe that there is definitely more than one person for everyone, and you could be happy with any one of these people, in different ways.


2) I also know from first hand experience (pause for disgusted look ) that some people just can't be together. No matter how hard you try, some people are simply not meant to be...


Hope that helps!


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The metaphor I like to use is that people are like shoes.


Some fit, some don't.


There may be a perfect pair of shoes out there that has everything you've ever been looking for but why miss out on some damn good shoes just because you don't like an aspect of them. We all have fundamental things that have to be there and we can forgo other things - you just have to figure out what they are.

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Romanticism (if that's a word..) vs Realism.. right?


When I was a little girl, living in a tiny village with a divorce rate of 0, I didn't even consider the thought that my mummy might as well have chosen another man if she wouldn't have met my dad! I thought people were like a puzzle, only one piece fits in one place.


Surely I've come back from that. I believe you can actually create a good relationship that lasts. Every one has a little set of major standards (if you know what i mean.. english is not my first language), if those match with those of another, the way is open to create a relationship that works. Many people can have that same set of major standards, so with a lot of people that way is open.


It would be really cool though! To know there is just one person out there that is 'meant' for you, it would solve loads of problems like the urge to cheat etc.. Like a fairytale, oh my prince (ss), there you are, now we'll be happy together forever! However, knowing you're not the only 'possibility' for your spouse keeps you sharp, and makes you realize that it is important to work on your relationship. Isn't human nature just wonderful.


So far for my monologue. That was an interesting question, thank you musicchicus!


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all great ideas. the truth is, there might be the perfect one, but if you never find them, why be unhappy? another food for though idea here, how many people feel like you can only give true love, (by true love I mean, all of you, everything you can give and that special part that makes being with someone different than all the others) to one person in your life. I personally feel that you can only give it once, because once that piece of your heart is gone, the other person has it forever.

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Well fenstrt, I believe that you will only have one "First Love"...you know, that give all, never question, open all the way love.


But I don't believe that means that you will love completely again...

I just think it means that as you experience and get hurt and all that, your "complete" changes (not less, just different).


I also believe that there is no certain one... You just gotta keep shooting to find that one that wants to put as much effort and love into it as you. And then, you make a life out of trying to make the relationship work and last and remain worth the effort...


May we all have Fate's graces that it will happen soon!

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well, actually, that wasn't my first love I was referring to, it was my third. the two before, I loved, the feeling wasn't any less special, but the third was someone that I felt like, I could tolerate her family fo rhte rest of my life. that I could spend my old age with, looking at her wrinkly face. that kind of love.

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I understand what you mean fenstrt, but my view is that all people have an infinite amount of love, and that you can always give your complete self to someone else. I've given it all to my (maybe ex right now) fiancee. I've given her unconditional love and support. I also know she may never come back to me. It's something that I face with determination. I know that I can move on and love this way again, as long as she's happy with the choices she makes...



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