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queston about piercing

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hey this is a quick question. i have had my left eyebrow pierced for about 4 months now. in the lasat week or so my left eye has been twitching every now and then. it ususally happens about a dozen times a day, and it stops twitching after about 10 seconds each time. i'm worried it might have something to do with my piercing, considering it's only the eye that has the piercing over it. i took care of and cleaned the piercing pretty well for the first month or so, but for these past 3 months i have only been cleaning the piercing maybe once a week. i've never removed the piercing, but i sometimes play with it with my fingers. not the best habits, i know.


anyway, could my piercing be causing my eye to twitch? it doesn't hurt but it's annoying and i want to solve the problem before it might get worse. thanks.

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It's very unlikely that your piercing is causing a twitch. If you've had it for 4 months and it just started recently, it could be a whole number of other things. It could be stress, it could be small little muscle spasms, etc etc.


If it's worrisome, go see your piercer.


ETA: It's your actual EYE that's twitching? Or is it just the brow? If it's the eye itself, there is just no way it could be from the piercing if it's all healed up nice. Maybe it's the stuff you're using the clean it? What are you using? Better be H2Ocean or a sea salt solution. You shouldn't be using anything else.


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