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Hi to all people here in the Forum


I wanted post this thoughts extracted from various books of a internacionally famous colombian writer named Gabriel Garcia Marquez..


Maybe the way i wrote them look confusing to you, its cause i've translated by myself and i've lost some of practice with the English Grammar ...


One friend mine who knows all what i've been through sent me by email this thoughts and im here sharing with you.. Maybe it will help somebody here to keep their hopes, or take another breath of fresh air in their own struggle.. i dunno..


"I don't love you by who you are, I love you by who i am when im with you"


"Nobody deserve your tears, and who really deserves its, never will make you cry"


"A true friend is the one who take your hand and touches your heart"


"The worst way of missing someone its being sitted next to him/her and know that you'll never have him/her"


"Never stop smiling, even if you're sad, cause you'll never knowwho might fall in love of your smile"


"Maybe you can be a person in the World but; for someone, you're their World"


"Dont spend your time with someone who doesn't wants spend it with you"


"Maybe God wants you know many "wrong" people before you meet the "right" person, so when you finally know him/her you know how to be grateful"


This one its what im doing right now..


"Become a better person and make sure to know who really are before meet someone else and wait that this person knows who you are."


Any comments, opinions and corrections will be acepted


Good Luck.. See ya

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Thank-you... I liked these...


"I don't love you by who you are, I love you by who i am when im with you"


hmmmm.. true. I didn't like myself or who I'd turned out to be with my X.



"Nobody deserve your tears, and who really deserves its, never will make you cry"


I'd spent many a night or time in the shower crying my eyeballs out. YEP.


"A true friend is the one who take your hand and touches your heart"






"The worst way of missing someone its being sitted next to him/her and know that you'll never have him/her"


This one... when I was with X.. I thought the Saddest thing in the world is being married and feeling so alone and lonely.


"Never stop smiling, even if you're sad, cause you'll never knowwho might fall in love of your smile"


ahhhhhhhh yes...if I can only learn not to wear my feelings right up front on my sleeve. Everyone but everyone knows when I am hurting.



"Maybe you can be a person in the World but; for someone, you're their World"


As long as they arn't obsessed with me. This ONE scares me. I want to be a PART of their world. But not have someone totally dependant on me.


"Dont spend your time with someone who doesn't wants spend it with you"


Or wants to spend time with you on THIER terms.


"Maybe God wants you know many "wrong" people before you meet the "right" person, so when you finally know him/her you know how to be grateful"


True... how will you know happiness.. if you haven't met saddness.


"Become a better person and make sure to know who really are before meet someone else and wait that this person knows who you are."


This one is tough. Do we really truly know who we are because we are constantly evolving??? "I" am not the same person at 39 that I was at age 25.

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It is better to die on one's feet than to live on one's knees. - Albert Camus


Damn, I love that quote in your signature. My motto has always been to take things standing up. Doesn't mean fighting or being bitter, but it means taking a stance and not abandoning your morale judgement.

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Very nice quotes, thanks metalheart, you've shared some great insights on this forum.


If it isn't too much trouble can you post them in spanish? I studied spanish in high school and I'm trying to refresh my memory now.


My favorite is "Don't spend your time with someone who doesn't want to spend it with you".


It's so true, I need to value myself more despite the rejection I feel.

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Hi bkjsun!


Thanks for those compliments, I appreciated it


If it isn't too much trouble can you post them in spanish? I studied spanish in high school and I'm trying to refresh my memory now.


Well i try to keep it in mind do that in the nexts posts..


To me will be much easier, cause sometimes i forgot some verbs/ words in English.. hehehehe

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